What is the minimum tank size for a Fire Eel?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jan 6, 2012
California, USA
What's the minimum recommended tank size?

I'm getting a 100 gallon this weekend, 5' long, 16" wide, 24" tall. Would this be too small for a Fire Eel for life?
If yes, up to what size could he be in there? I'd love to get one within the next couple weeks and then upgrade when it gets too big...which leads to my next question,

What's their growth rate? I've heard they only grow around 8" per year, is this true?


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They grow a 1" every month and they need a 300gallon. They can get up to 40"+
Usually they grow about 20", in a very large tank they become even bigger. I'd say you want a 6-8 foot long aquarium.
a 75 lasted mine approx 1.5 yrs... and I was pushing it.. doing 50% WC's 2x a week or more. Oscars and cichlids in generally are bad combos with fire eels. and a 100 w/ an oscar and a fire eel unless you "really know what your doing" is a disaster asking to happen. Fire eels are not aggressive fish in general, they do well with non-aggressive fish. footprint is more important then hight or length in general. Long term you'll need a min 180.. but as already pointed out may need to go larger. They are also a challenging fish to keep. I did keep my fires with an Oscar when they where younger.. and they did nothing but hide all day long... once the O's where removed and my gar took their spot they where out and about all the time.

feeding them a diet of frozen bloodworms and nothing else will give you a 24" fire eel in 3yrs... a very stunted (unhealthy) fish.

You shuold get a YoY growth of 12"+ the first year then they slow down my biggest one hit 20" at 1.5yrs and thats when I lost them.. the smallest was pushing 16" at the time. They are a true delight to own and I plan on owning more in the next few years ( when I can get a 300gal) But they do get massive.