I saw a pair of Blood Parrot Cichlids in the LFS a couple of weeks ago that had the most amazing color I have ever seen on them. It was like a super red, almost hot pink. The LFS staff that I was talking to said he has never seen any blood parrots come in that bright before.
They were probably 3-4" each. I want to say about $80 for the pair. My wife fell in love with them and if I had my tanks setup I would have snatched them in a heartbeat.
One thing I read was the higher temperatures they are kept in they tend to not pale out, but does anyone know how to get them more color without dyeing or hormones? Can I just keep my water at 86 degree all the time?
They were probably 3-4" each. I want to say about $80 for the pair. My wife fell in love with them and if I had my tanks setup I would have snatched them in a heartbeat.
One thing I read was the higher temperatures they are kept in they tend to not pale out, but does anyone know how to get them more color without dyeing or hormones? Can I just keep my water at 86 degree all the time?