MMA News and Notes

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Rousey was annoying on the show, but she says dumb stuff in all of her interviews too. She said that she has the best MMA striking; not in her weight division or WMMA, but in MMA. She also said that she could beat Cain under the right circumstances. If Cain lost both his legs, I'd still pick him in that fight.
From the sounds of it, Cyborgs' next fight is at 135lbs, and she wants Rousey at the end of the year.

Really?? Id wondered how long itd be till these women started challenging men. These women are GROSS, and need to get back into the kitchen.
Lol,nameless heffers but that's pretty much how it is now with Roysey cleaning out the top names in her division...Who is it that does not want Cyborg but wouldn't mind a match against Rhonda?

Everyone wants a piece of Rousey, not too many want to go up against cyborg. I'd rather tap to an armbar then get demolished by a roided out man women any day
Man woman,LMAO! That brings to mind the Jim Carey character from In Living Color.
so glad to hear that Gil is staying. I would personally wear an afro and stalk dana and slap him in the face if they had let Gilbert go

isn't this the second consecutive title fight herb dean stopped too early now? what's up with that? sara was still in the fight. i'm bummed out because the fight was going good, they were landing decent shots and it was only gonna get better.

cormier ran cummins over like I expected. props for him for taking the fight on short notice and props to the ufc to do the best they can to replace rashad and hype this fight but no one really was expecting this fight to be competitive. at least not me. you can't be 4-0 and step in the ring with the #2 heavyweight in the world who made 205 the right way with very very minimal dehydration
lol at wanting to wait years before seeing cyborg fight rousey

you kidding me? if someone's juicing, it doesn't matter if you fight now or wait years from now. they will try to cycle it out their system whether the fight took place in the summer of this year or 2017

both fighters are scary dangerous, both in their primes, classic striker vs grappler matchup, bad blood, the time to make this fight is now. it will eventually turn into pacquiao/mayweather if they wait too long. if cyborg is able to make weight she needs to get signed immediately and get a title shot after 1 fight if not immediately

catch weight talk is a waste of time, rousey will never agree to it. she ran from 45 to 35 to avoid cyborg, she won't fight her if she doesn't have to. she's smart, she will make cyborg drain herself to 35 to take every advantage she possibly can

it's good that cyborg got caught, because now if she makes weight, they will test the living s word outta her
You guys dont think a roid user has a medium term advantage that stretches further then just what cycles out of their system in the short term?

Like...the muscle mass gained disappears because you're clean for 6 months? I honestly dont know how this all works so yes its a real question

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if she's been clean since the time she was busted, she wouldn't have any advantages now. I am not an expert but I'm sure that if I took steroids while competing this year but stop roiding next year and still compete, my performance next year will not be benefitting from the previous year's roiding

maybe akuma will see this post and chime in since the dude is pretty yoked. assuming that was him in those pics

and when I talk about the cycling, I mean that they will try to beat the tests by cycling it out their system. they just want to not fail any drug tests. yes they will still be benefiting from the juice in the short term. that's the whole point of juicing
Im asking if your body has added enough muscle mass that you still have an advantage over someone who was clean the whole time? Im no expert on the human body

Roflmao@akuma/darius. He wouldnt read such a barbaric thread

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What's this Heath issue of Cyborg's that places her life in jeopardy if she drops weight?