I don't have a preference. Both sold as Pink Tail Chalceus. They both look physically different. Chalceus Erythurus and Macrolepidotus will show pics of both types. You'll see what I mean when browsing through the links provided below. It'd be cool to know as I want to keep these top swimmers in my Polypterus tank. I've seen some that grow up to 10 inches or more, but didn't pay too much attention in the past due to the pink color.Which one do you like better?
As for sex. According to several sites. They are very difficult to visually know.I have one; mine looks like the one on right. I did not know there are different types. Maybe one is female and one is male? I think they get about 10 inches.
They like to be together on the top. I have polys below. They are great dithers for the top. I tried a school of 7 Apollo sharks recently. Had to move them because had a poly grab one. So, they are growing out in another tank.The other one is a yellow fin or toucan fish. Max size is listed as 8"
I want to get six of each for my top water, how do they get along with each other?