Wy has this Peacock Bass part of forum gone so ****e ?


MFK Member
May 16, 2005
I also agree, this Cichla section has slowed and the Cichla industry in general is slow..... I was literally just talking to Jeff Rapps about this last week. To me this is a good thing, it's time to weed out the BS so-called Cichla collectors that go and buy up fish just to turn around and re-sell/flip them for a higher price. The ones that lie about being wild caught, mis-label the species, and buy the fish just because it's the cool thing to do, and show off when they have no intention to raise the fish in the first place. I will always have some Cichla....always. I remember back in predatoryfish.net days (before MFK, WW, PFK) when just having a quality pair of Monoculus was Just as good as having some Orinocensis. A bunch of people have made the Cichla game into a fashion show, popularity contest of some sort.... so I say this is a good thing. We will now see who really enjoys Cichla and who just wanted to jump on the bandwagon for a ride. I appreciate all the guys keeping Cichla because they enjoy the species and not their popularity. That's my 2 cents and now I will fade away back into the shadows.... Good fish keeping.
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bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
I have always been a kelberi man and I'm currently raising two bahias and a "gold" kel that I got from Jojo.I did have a xingu recently until it jumped out of the tank.
The same with me! Kels all day, every day! I'm surprised more people aren't jumping all over these great intermedia that are on the market. There are even a few wild caught fish available. I'm staying away from having a tank filled bc I've learned a lot about them from one of the best, R1 Ryda, God rest his soul. They are a great Pbass that stay a very manageable size but are so prone to HiTH no matter how good your water quality is. They live in a different habitat from what I've learned and read, clear, clean, and fast moving water that is oxygen rich. But who knows, I may throw one of the wild caught intermedia into the mix and see if they turn out nicer than the CBs that are available.

Sorry to hear about fish jumping, that can be heartbreaking. I myself like open topped tanks but have learned my lesson. I currently have been coving the tops of my tanks with a DIY screen door frame cover. eBay sells a clear uv resistant netting that is inexpensive. The holes are large enough for pellets to fit through so you won't have to remove it everytime if you don't like. The same amount of light is able to penetrate through so it won't have any negative effects on the coloration of your fish either.

bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
I know what you guys mean about it being slow. I used to have trouble keeping up on all the threads, now it's incredibly slow. I place blame on Facebook hehe
At one time anywhere on the forum, you would post on one thread, look at another, come back and there would be 2-3 comments already on the previously posted thread.

bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
Really good to hear from you Old School Cichla Guys! And trying to put this section of forum" back on top! Thinking this king of fish really deserves more new people keeping them and coming onto this cichla part of forum to post there pics and chat with fellow cichla keepers and get some advice from you O"G" s
Agreed. We have a decent discussion going here. Let's see if we can entice a few others to chime in or maybe rejoining the game. I can't speak for anyone else but it's literally vertically impossible for me to stay away from keeping these fish. Beside how ferocious they eat and how big they get, they morph constantly and the mystery of how they are going to turn out?! What more can you ask for.
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bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
Controversy killed the cichla section. There's more bs over cichla than most other aquarium fish. Cb's being sold as WC, common species being sold for more than what they are. The past 3-4 years have been terrible as far as that and it's definitely made people not want to spend big money on something that they would grow out only to find out later that its a lie.
This is absolutely true. Although some of the controversy kept this part of the forum going, not all of it was good especially the whole CB being sold as WC and slapping insannnnee prices on these fish. I am not going to mention any name but this one vendor that was supposed to be reputable really came in towards the end and was selling captive raised hybrids as WC fish for top top dollar. That is why I only purchase my WC fish from curtain people or import them myself.

bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
I also agree, this Cichla section has slowed and the Cichla industry in general is slow..... I was literally just talking to Jeff Rapps about this last week. To me this is a good thing, it's time to weed out the BS so-called Cichla collectors that go and buy up fish just to turn around and re-sell/flip them for a higher price. The ones that lie about being wild caught, mis-label the species, and buy the fish just because it's the cool thing to do, and show off when they have no intention to raise the fish in the first place. I will always have some Cichla....always. I remember back in predatoryfish.net days (before MFK, WW, PFK) when just having a quality pair of Monoculus was Just as good as having some Orinocensis. A bunch of people have made the Cichla game into a fashion show, popularity contest of some sort.... so I say this is a good thing. We will now see who really enjoys Cichla and who just wanted to jump on the bandwagon for a ride. I appreciate all the guys keeping Cichla because they enjoy the species and not their popularity. That's my 2 cents and now I will fade away back into the shadows.... Good fish keeping.
It's nice to see you are still lurking. Maybe one day you will have a change of heart and come out from the shadows that you are returning to post a few pictures of your fish.
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bOOsteN aUdI

MFK Member
Apr 1, 2005
East Coast
Nice kels G! I'm surprised you never added a few orinos and azullie to this setup. I miss your old tank


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
The same with me! Kels all day, every day! I'm surprised more people aren't jumping all over these great intermedia that are on the market. There are even a few wild caught fish available. I'm staying away from having a tank filled bc I've learned a lot about them from one of the best, R1 Ryda, God rest his soul. They are a great Pbass that stay a very manageable size but are so prone to HiTH no matter how good your water quality is. They live in a different habitat from what I've learned and read, clear, clean, and fast moving water that is oxygen rich. But who knows, I may throw one of the wild caught intermedia into the mix and see if they turn out nicer than the CBs that are available..
R1 is who got me hooked on kelberi....back when I first saw a photo of one of his large kels with it's beautiful colors.I contactacted him we talked a bit and he explained to me that they were quite expensive back then,my have times changed lol.He did end up sending me some fish(not cichla)and you may not remember but you and I met at George's and I bought some fish from you a couple years ago.
I'm also amazed that the Intermedia and xingu are even still availible at this point but that's the times we are in as a few years ago they would have been all bought up.I wonder if anyone will ever be able to bring in the holy grail orino the Rio Nigro.
Thanks for the screen tip btw.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2011
I never kept Cichlas but I always enjoyed reading the subforum and learning about them. Forums in general are dying, not just fish ones. Forums have been popular for so long that most information, problems and events are well documented many times also.

Another downfall of forums, which I think reduces the activity level is that lots of haters , know it alls and flamers.
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