• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Some of Frank's Fish

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Anyone here love Jackk Dempseys as much as me?? Here's my harem of 1M; 6F - or so I think.....2 others are starting to show some minor male characteristics, but no one else has the big long trailers on the fins like the biggest one. Should be easy enough to notice. Also my largest female Green Terror - this evil creature redefines the name TERROR.....she's already bagged at least 6 bodies no matter what tank I put her in so as one of the few fish I actually named, she is called "Angel of Death", appropriately. The others are 2 female Convicts and my Lima Shovelnose CatSTA_2001.JPG STB_2002.JPG STC_2003.JPG STD_2004.JPG STE_2005.JPG STF_2006.JPG STG_2007.JPG STH_2008.JPG STI_2009.JPG STJ_2010.JPG STK_2011.JPG STL_2012.JPG STM_2013.JPG STN_2014.JPG STO_2015.JPG STP_2016.JPG STQ_2017.JPG STR_2018.JPG STS_2019.JPG STT_2020.JPG
well, u got a 300 gallon Native tank, i'm sure there's only a few hundred people that would like to see that.........

I mean its OK I guess lol its nothing as impressive as the other 300+ tanks on this site. Plus my coosae bass is being a douchenozzle and keeping everyone in one corner, he may have to go soon.
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Convicts for @Kittiee Katt - you said you needed better pix, so hopefully these are better. My 2 remaining adult females, little one #3 jumped the tank a few months ago, it took me 2 weeks+ to find her body :( Also bumped UP my Honduran Jaguars to middle-weight, and bumped DOWN my 2M Firemouths from the heavy-hitterz. Starting to think I have 3M;4F Jacks also.

STA_2053.JPG STB_2054.JPG STC_2055.JPG STD_2056.JPG STE_2057.JPG STF_2058.JPG STG_2059.JPG STH_2060.JPG STI_2061.JPG STJ_2062.JPG STK_2063.JPG STL_2064.JPG STM_2065.JPG STN_2066.JPG STO_2067.JPG STP_2068.JPG STQ_2069.JPG STS_2071.JPG STR_2070.JPG STT_2072.JPG
STU_2073.JPG STV_2074.JPG STW_2075.JPG STX_2076.JPG STY_2077.JPG STZ_2078.JPG

They have laid a few clutches already......2 females, Convicts are weird. Not sure who she(s) expect t fertilize, but tanks inhabitants are: 1F Green Terror, 7 Jack Dempseys, 2M Firemouths, 2F Convicts, 2M Jaguars, Lima Shovelnose catfish
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They don't look impressive till u breed the offspring back to firemouths again.then they start showing real color
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