Yeah man its really a testament to how much work you have put into the tank. you really have one of my favorite tanks on this site.
just curious how are you liking the jags. i know they stay small but if they arent too bad when it comes to hiding and are somewhat active i may look into getting a couple.
And the vulture? i hear they are pretty aggressive?
The jags are cool. Its kind of know your expectations with them. They arent active by any means but dont hide as much as i thought they would. I started with 3 but the male was being a jerk. Down to just the two girls now. One of them is pretty active i'll catch her swimming around at night and allot during wc's. They tend to hide less in a group. If i could dedicate more tank space i would probably aim to keep 4 or 5. They really are beautiful in person but if activity is goal then i would probably pass.
The vulture is actually a pussy cat. I havent had him long but so far he gets bullied by the juruense. I think they're aggression/predation is a bit over rated. We had some lengthy discussions on them in the cat section and two other members report no issues at all. One member keeps a few in a huge tank like 4k gal and feels that they dont really hunt other fish but may just be scavenging off of dead ones. I think if i had to choose between the vulture and the jur i wpuld probably lean towards the vulture its just a cool fish.