300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah man its really a testament to how much work you have put into the tank. you really have one of my favorite tanks on this site.

just curious how are you liking the jags. i know they stay small but if they arent too bad when it comes to hiding and are somewhat active i may look into getting a couple.

And the vulture? i hear they are pretty aggressive?

The jags are cool. Its kind of know your expectations with them. They arent active by any means but dont hide as much as i thought they would. I started with 3 but the male was being a jerk. Down to just the two girls now. One of them is pretty active i'll catch her swimming around at night and allot during wc's. They tend to hide less in a group. If i could dedicate more tank space i would probably aim to keep 4 or 5. They really are beautiful in person but if activity is goal then i would probably pass.

The vulture is actually a pussy cat. I havent had him long but so far he gets bullied by the juruense. I think they're aggression/predation is a bit over rated. We had some lengthy discussions on them in the cat section and two other members report no issues at all. One member keeps a few in a huge tank like 4k gal and feels that they dont really hunt other fish but may just be scavenging off of dead ones. I think if i had to choose between the vulture and the jur i wpuld probably lean towards the vulture its just a cool fish.
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The jags are cool. Its kind of know your expectations with them. They arent active by any means but dont hide as much as i thought they would. I started with 3 but the male was being a jerk. Down to just the two girls now. One of them is pretty active i'll catch her swimming around at night and allot during wc's. They tend to hide less in a group. If i could dedicate more tank space i would probably aim to keep 4 or 5. They really are beautiful in person but if activity is goal then i would probably pass.

The vulture is actually a pussy cat. I havent had him long but so far he gets bullied by the juruense. I think they're aggression/predation is a bit over rated. We had some lengthy discussions on them in the cat section and two other members report no issues at all. One member keeps a few in a huge tank like 4k gal and feels that they dont really hunt other fish but may just be scavenging off of dead ones. I think if i had to choose between the vulture and the jur i wpuld probably lean towards the vulture its just a cool fish.

Well im going to see if predatory fins can get a hold of either. and check pricing i think either would be cool.

I think ill probably just wait to get the vulture cat until my tank is set up and the other fish are established to hopefully avoid any problems but on the other hand the fish im keeping will be able to hold their own.
DRteugelsi DRteugelsi im not a cat expert and havent kept them long enough to give any concrete facts but heres my take on the cats im keeping. moe214 moe214 is more experienced hopefully he chimes in.

Jags are cool, very pretty and probably best kept in a group. I think they get thick enough to be ok with large polys.

I think out of the 3 med cats im keeping (vulture, jur, and porthole shovelnose) the vulture may be the least likely to be a problem. Just a guess but their mouths are soo small and muscular i think they are probably better built for scavenging and tearing chunks from dead or dying fish. The jur imo is a hunter big mouth and it reacts to anything that swims near.
I wish the ansorgii was more outgoing. I really like the orangish/brown base color.
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Candy bar is sexy lol

Im starting to like ghost congis color more than the kong the darker one.

DRteugelsi DRteugelsi im not a cat expert and havent kept them long enough to give any concrete facts but heres my take on the cats im keeping. moe214 moe214 is more experienced hopefully he chimes in.

Jags are cool, very pretty and probably best kept in a group. I think they get thick enough to be ok with large polys.

I think out of the 3 med cats im keeping (vulture, jur, and porthole shovelnose) the vulture may be the least likely to be a problem. Just a guess but their mouths are soo small and muscular i think they are probably better built for scavenging and tearing chunks from dead or dying fish. The jur imo is a hunter big mouth and it reacts to anything that swims near.
Seems to me you got it covered now. :) Only thing I'd add is with the vulture everything is still theories. There's reports of them working for years with tankmates then going into a feeding frenzy and killing those same tankmates, the main question before was what triggered it. Jurs you might as well treat like a bichir that's more sensitive. Jags are mostly nocturnal, mine is extremely active, but at night. Only way she's coming out in the light is for food. I feed at night to keep her and the Trachy happy. I've only got one and she's always been active for me. Quite a character too. If the plan is to keep them with bichirs keep in mind they grow excruciatingly slow, I think kolt is the only person I've heard of experience fast growth. So get them big already if you can, they're definitly thick fish. I do want to get more jags and see if anything changes behavior wise. Will be a little while till I do, if I do.
First off, J jaws7777 your polys are looking awesome,

Right now I’m kind of stuck I was thinking of just doing a group of Lima but vultures appeal to me so much. I was going to go irwini but they get too big and I hear they’re just logs anyway but it’s still something I may consider as well lol

Anyway I don’t want to hijack your thread. But I have some hard choices to make...
First off, J jaws7777 your polys are looking awesome,

Right now I’m kind of stuck I was thinking of just doing a group of Lima but vultures appeal to me so much. I was going to go irwini but they get too big and I hear they’re just logs anyway but it’s still something I may consider as well lol

Anyway I don’t want to hijack your thread. But I have some hard choices to make...

Nah man no hijacking here alls good.

Now a group of lima would be really really cool too. Tough choices man. Another suggestion lol to muddy the waters is a porthole shovelnose. I think my little one has the potential to be the nicest looking from my group of cats, doesnt hide but is lazy...very poly like

Thx for the compliment bro appreciate it.
clm08k clm08k u remember their names ? Lol i know they are both princesses. Endli is tianna ? Screenshot_20171129-090742.png Screenshot_20171129-090336.png Screenshot_20171129-090407.png Screenshot_20171129-090308.png Screenshot_20171129-090443.png