Platinum Jardini?


MFK Member
May 27, 2014
pac nw
Gorgeous fish. I have a regular Jardini and as gorgeous as he is, I've always wondered what he would look like in "platinum" but never actually seen one

If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for him?
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MFK Member
Sep 18, 2015
Could be Platinum or white tank treatment. Over here in socal someone brought in a large batch of jardini (20+) and all of them looked plAtinum. I asked the owner how much and it was 120. I asked him why so cheap and he said they only look that good because of how they were raised. He said his source feeds them a good diet and has good water quality. He probably left out the white tank treatment since that’s the trick to getting them more white. But most will agree that white tank treatments will fade over time and the aro will darken up in a different environment.

All that being said...I have heard of white tank treatment being permanent once the Aro reaches a certain size. Meaning if it’s raised in a white tank until x inches it will keep that high shine and look Platinum for the rest of its life no matter what tank you put it in. I haven’t had a chance to test out this theory yet.
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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 15, 2006
SIN City
^ thanks for sharing. WTT is a new concept to me so just read about it. Curious if they do WTT on already light colored jars as it doesn’t make sense how you can turn a copper color to pure white by just a white tank and diet.

Guess I’ll just have to see with time with my jar. Mines ~9” and was $130. Just ate about a shrimp and a half :)


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2015
^ thanks for sharing. WTT is a new concept to me so just read about it. Curious if they do WTT on already light colored jars as it doesn’t make sense how you can turn a copper color to pure white by just a white tank and diet.

Guess I’ll just have to see with time with my jar. Mines ~9” and was $130. Just ate about a shrimp and a half :)
From what I know it takes some time in the white tank for the aro to change colors. It’s kinda like how bichirs change color with different gravel colors but with aros there are some people who say it can be a permanent change.

As far as using light colored jardini...I don’t think they do. I think it’s just raised from a small fry With wtt. But for sure the aro will change color according to its environment so if u really wanna make sure it’s Platinum throw in black gravel and black background and if it keeps that shine in 6 months congratulations! U got urself a Platinum...or at least it can be passed off as a Platinum. Very very nice looking jardini.

Dee eng

Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2015
From what I know it takes some time in the white tank for the aro to change colors. It’s kinda like how bichirs change color with different gravel colors but with aros there are some people who say it can be a permanent change.

As far as using light colored jardini...I don’t think they do. I think it’s just raised from a small fry With wtt. But for sure the aro will change color according to its environment so if u really wanna make sure it’s Platinum throw in black gravel and black background and if it keeps that shine in 6 months congratulations! U got urself a Platinum...or at least it can be passed off as a Platinum. Very very nice looking jardini.
AWESOME idea! I say give it a try!