300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah I can't help you on that. I will have that same possibility of the same failures. The drip thing I got came "highly" (LOL ) recommended. The pressure regulator is built in. 8 emitters each dripping .75 gal/hr, cap off the ones you aren't going to need. Pretty good for $16. I'm thinking I'll hook it up with a valve to adjust pressure just so it gets what it needs to put out .75/emitter. I'm probably only going to need 2 or 3 anyway so if it fails it doesn't go ballistic, still won't be ideal but hopefully not catastrophic either.

Got a link to the one that was recommended.
Your gonna love the full siphon. It still amazes me how much water it moves even though its barely opened.

Yeah im weary of the drip only because we dont have drainage we're on septic so i would have ro run the drains to the sump pit. What f the sump pump fails ? Or what if the drain pipe going out to the swales freezes up...ugh just thinking about it my water filtration system dumps 20 pr so gal a day in that same pipe that im worried about freezing ...uh oh

Kong, ghost congi aand tianna are the only ones acting normal the rest are being nancies

As someone who live in frigid weather. Currently 3 degrees Fahrenheit. As long as the waters moving you shouldn’t have to worry about anything freezing over. I have to leave my sinks on a drip to prevent freezing.
Good job! Jk. The tank looks great as usual.
thx bro.

Look who was out and about tonight. Im not used to her hiding all the time. Its like a treat.
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Wow ive been looking through old pics for josh's thread i cant believe how many polys came and went