Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Sorry about being off topic to the above convos..
But just wanted to drop by and say thank you to everyone here at MFK you all are super helpful and responsive to questions and reply..
I must say this is the only fish keeping website that I've found where people don't treat new/newer members like they don't exist such as ignoring questions and just not being appreciative to the questions I've answered for some.

So again thank you all for you info and help. I truly appreciate it.
Your very welcome, and we enjoy having you here!
Mfk is easily the best fish keeping site.
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Reactions: Matteus and BMG94
Sorry about being off topic to the above convos..
But just wanted to drop by and say thank you to everyone here at MFK you all are super helpful and responsive to questions and reply..
I must say this is the only fish keeping website that I've found where people don't treat new/newer members like they don't exist such as ignoring questions and just not being appreciative to the questions I've answered for some.

So again thank you all for you info and help. I truly appreciate it.
Your very welcome, and we enjoy having you here!
Mfk is easily the best fish keeping site.
Yep welcome and no need for an apology as that is pretty much what this thread is all about....sharing whatever allowed musings that you happen to come up with.See ya around!
Sorry about being off topic to the above convos..
But just wanted to drop by and say thank you to everyone here at MFK you all are super helpful and responsive to questions and reply..
I must say this is the only fish keeping website that I've found where people don't treat new/newer members like they don't exist such as ignoring questions and just not being appreciative to the questions I've answered for some.

So again thank you all for you info and help. I truly appreciate it.

Yup best site out there.

I once was a member of another site that was really close minded. When ever a mod would disagree with the poster the threads would get locked. Totally lame.

Once got into a debate with the owner over purigen. Proved him wrong so as usual the thread got locked lol
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Reactions: BMG94
Rained all day. I loved every minute of it. Parked my but on the couch and rarely moved. Back is killing me tho
Rained all day. I loved every minute of it. Parked my but on the couch and rarely moved. Back is killing me tho
I like it due me saving a few bucks from not having to pull the hose out and watering my grass in the front yard.The grounds are getting a good soaking right now.
I like it due me saving a few bucks from not having to pull the hose out and watering my grass in the front yard.The grounds are getting a good soaking right now.

I just fertilized yesterday. S.o.b is gonna all pool in certain areas. $ right down the drain lol