Help with Choosing Equipment for Piraya or Cariba Piranha Tank


MFK Member
Sep 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
So I am going to be getting 1 Piraya Piranha OR 1 Carbia Piranha and need to start buying equipment. I haven't quite decided yet on which one but I figured I could buy the equipment first while I decide. I have a list of things with their descriptions (for my own reference) below that I found on a site. I am wondering if I need all of these things and if so which models of each item to get. If someone could create a list for me with everything that I need including specific models that would be super helpful as this is my first time doing this.

If I get a Piraya, I am going to be starting with a 125 gallon and then will eventually move to a 180 when he gets too big for the 125. So keep in mind that the equipment will be used on a larger tank in the future. If I do the 1 Cariba, I will be getting a 75 and just keep him in there for life. I am willing to spend some money if it is a worthwhile investment on the equipment. All help is much appreciated and I don't know what I would do without you guys.

Canister Filters: These type of filters are good for filtering water through large volumes of media, but they sometimes have a low GPH (Gallons Per Hour) rate, they are also more versatile (most types) that allow you to use a wide range of media. But the major draw back on these filters is that they are harder to clean, and tend to be expensive.

Power Filters: These are good mechanical filters, and some even have a "bio-wheel" for excellent biological filtration. These filters usually hold a small volume of media, but make up for it in high GPH (Gallons Per Hour) rate. These filters are usually cheap and require frequent cleaning, but its not nearly as hard as cleaning a canister filter.

Under Gravel Filters: These filters have satisfactory biological filtration, and very little mechanical filtration. If you plan to use this filter it should be in conjunction with another type of filter, I.E. power filter, etc. They require an air pump, or powerhead to run and at least 2" layer of gravel on top. These filters are cheap and best used for fry, or small species tanks.

Sponge Filters: These filters provide very good biological filtration and somewhat good mechanical filtration. They require an air pump, or powerhead to run. These filters are cheap and best used for fry, or small species tanks.

Inside Box Filters: These filters provide satisfactory biological, mechanical, and chemical filtration. They require an air pump to run. These are cheap and best suited for fry, or small species tanks.

Wet/Dry Filters: These filters are the best all around filter. You can put anything you want in these filters. They provide excellent biological, mechanical, and chemical filtration. They do not need frequent cleaning, but these filters are usually very expensive. One problem with this filter is that the "sump" can overflow and possibly drain the tank if the pump fails. You can also install the heater within the "sump" instead of having it inside the tank .

Heaters: You will need a heater to keep your tank temperature constant. There are 2 types of heater, submersible, and ones that hang outside the tank. I personally prefer the submersible ones because they can be placed anywhere inside the tank, but these models are a bit more expensive than the hang over types.

Thermometer: You'll need a thermometer to keep track of the temperature, some thermometers stick on the outside of the glass, and some are attached by a suction cup on the inside of the aquarium. Personally I prefer the suction cup ones, because you can remove it and use it in another tank. The stick on types are permanent. However, some heaters come with a built in thermometer, so you may not need to buy one.

Power Heads: These are good for keeping the water circulating. Most Piranhas like to swim in the current of the power head, but you don't really require one if your filter provides enough circulation. These can also be fitted with a "pre-filter" to help with mechanical filtration.

Air Pump: Air Pumps are used to keep the water oxygenated, or run certain filters, but these are usually not necessary if your filter creates enough surface movement on its own.

Lights: Not sure what type of lights to get.

Everything else.....


MFK Member
Jun 9, 2014
My Fish Room
for the 125g get 2 aquaclear 110s, 1 fluvial fx6, eheim heater...that's it. no need for under gravel filter, power heads, air pump. those 3 filters are more than enough water agitation that you won't be needing power heads or air pump. no need to get lights not unless you'll put plants...piranhas hate lights.


MFK Member
Jun 9, 2014
My Fish Room
if you're just getting either a piraya or cariba why not just buy a rhom, spilo, elongatus, marginatus, manueli, irritans, brandtii, hollandi, eigenmanni, altuvei, scapularis, compressus, gibbus, humeralis, medinai, geryi...etc.? lots of awesome serrasalmus specie for a solitary tank which is what you're doing. pygos are schooling fish but if you are set on either a piraya or cariba then it's your choice...your tank. this is just my humble opinion...


MFK Member
Sep 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
if you're just getting either a piraya or cariba why not just buy a rhom, spilo, elongatus, marginatus, manueli, irritans, brandtii, hollandi, eigenmanni, altuvei, scapularis, compressus, gibbus, humeralis, medinai, geryi...etc.? lots of awesome serrasalmus specie for a solitary tank which is what you're doing. pygos are schooling fish but if you are set on either a piraya or cariba then it's your choice...your tank. this is just my humble opinion...
Well I was looking at Piraya because as they get older and bigger they do better alone don't they? I hadn't heard of half of those.


MFK Member
Sep 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
if you're just getting either a piraya or cariba why not just buy a rhom, spilo, elongatus, marginatus, manueli, irritans, brandtii, hollandi, eigenmanni, altuvei, scapularis, compressus, gibbus, humeralis, medinai, geryi...etc.? lots of awesome serrasalmus specie for a solitary tank which is what you're doing. pygos are schooling fish but if you are set on either a piraya or cariba then it's your choice...your tank. this is just my humble opinion...
As well, I like the look of the Piraya the best. And the overall attitude people say they have.


MFK Member
Sep 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
for the 125g get 2 aquaclear 110s, 1 fluvial fx6, eheim heater...that's it. no need for under gravel filter, power heads, air pump. those 3 filters are more than enough water agitation that you won't be needing power heads or air pump. no need to get lights not unless you'll put plants...piranhas hate lights.
What about for the 180? Would the same ones work?

And for the heater, what wattage should I get for the 125 or 160?


MFK Member
Sep 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
for the 125g get 2 aquaclear 110s, 1 fluvial fx6, eheim heater...that's it. no need for under gravel filter, power heads, air pump. those 3 filters are more than enough water agitation that you won't be needing power heads or air pump. no need to get lights not unless you'll put plants...piranhas hate lights.
And are 2 Aqua Clear 100's enough for a 180? I've heard that even if you use two filters, they need to be rated for the tank size not under it. Is this true?


MFK Member
Sep 9, 2019
Ontario, Canada
if you're just getting either a piraya or cariba why not just buy a rhom, spilo, elongatus, marginatus, manueli, irritans, brandtii, hollandi, eigenmanni, altuvei, scapularis, compressus, gibbus, humeralis, medinai, geryi...etc.? lots of awesome serrasalmus specie for a solitary tank which is what you're doing. pygos are schooling fish but if you are set on either a piraya or cariba then it's your choice...your tank. this is just my humble opinion...
As in could I use two fx6's instead? Would I need some of the other things that I listed in the OP if I went that route?

dr exum

Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
You give up on the Piraya?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 8, 2019
fx6 on 180 with single piranha is more then enough , but hey , you can never have enough filtration..
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