For Sale RARE! Aquatic Caecilians, Typhlonectes compressicauda

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Sorry I hadn't gotten the notifications on this, I do not use this site often. The price comes from the fact you cannot find them any where else available, if you can please show me and I'll match the price. But I am actually dropping the price to $300 for one and deals on multiples I have several left anyone interested please email
They used to come in a lot and were cheap, but like many things that used to be cheap and common these no longer are. Rubber eels were a common name. Oddly enough natans were recently found in the C-4 canal near Miami. As the poster mentioned regulations changed on them so look closely at that and make sure you are in compliance. I am not sure what the rules are at the moment.

Weird, noodle-shaped amphibians known as caecilians found in South Florida canal – Florida Museum Science (

Rio Cauca Caecilian (Typhlonectes natans) - Collection record (
I just picked up this one at an expo today. They had no idea what species. Can you help? Is it the same as yours since I'm in the US?

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