Electric Catfish Not Eating


MFK Member
Jul 2, 2022
I have an Electric Catfish that has basically not eaten over the last couple months . To make a long story short, it was basically a "Rescue" of sorts, and in rough shape when I got her due to being kept in poor conditions. But after a long battle getting her back into shape, all was well, and appeared to be a happy, active , healthy cat. Over the last couple months, however, she really hasn't eaten. She has rejected everything I've tried, including live worms, which were her absolute favorite. The only thing I can get her to pick at occasionally, is cut shrimp. Water parameters are normal as they have always been, and I've treated the tank for bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection. She doesn't exhibit any sort of noticeable distress, other than not being as attentive as she once was, and not eating. Has anyone ever dealt with a situation like this? Thoughts, ideas, and opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
I have an Electric Catfish that has basically not eaten over the last couple months . To make a long story short, it was basically a "Rescue" of sorts, and in rough shape when I got her due to being kept in poor conditions. But after a long battle getting her back into shape, all was well, and appeared to be a happy, active , healthy cat. Over the last couple months, however, she really hasn't eaten. She has rejected everything I've tried, including live worms, which were her absolute favorite. The only thing I can get her to pick at occasionally, is cut shrimp. Water parameters are normal as they have always been, and I've treated the tank for bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection. She doesn't exhibit any sort of noticeable distress, other than not being as attentive as she once was, and not eating. Has anyone ever dealt with a situation like this? Thoughts, ideas, and opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Fishman Dave Fishman Dave
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Dec 24, 2005
How old and big is the fish? What did you to use to treat for parasites and bacteria? No real treatment out that I know of for viruses…what did you use for that? What’s your water change schedule? How old is the tank? Water parameters?


MFK Member
Jul 2, 2022
How old and big is the fish? What did you to use to treat for parasites and bacteria? No real treatment out that I know of for viruses…what did you use for that? What’s your water change schedule? How old is the tank? Water parameters?
It's hard to say how old the fish is. I've had her for about three years. When I got her she was about six inches long. Now, she's over a foot. Like I said, she was more of a rescue, than a planned purchase. It was dumped off in the middle of the night at a local pet store. I know the owner, so he called and asked if I could take it. I went and checked it out, and despite the fish being in rough shape, decided to try and bring it back to health. I have treated her with a couple different Seachem "Plexes"(Neo and Kanna), an Ich treatment, API general cure, Erythromycin, and an anti parasitic(name escapes me at the moment). I can't give specifics on water parameters at the moment, but can only say they are consistent with the parameters she's always been kept in, so there's been no dramatic shift that I've seen. If you would like to see specific numbers, I'd be happy to get them for you. I change 1/3 of the water weekly(treated and dechlorinated with Prime beforehand), as this has always been the routine. The tank itself has been set up for about ten years. If you need to know any thing else that might give a clue, let me know, and thanks for the reply.

P.S. When I said viral, I meant fungal. That mistake is kind of the pitfall of having Wonder Woman(Lynda Carter) on in the background while trying to post in a thread.


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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
It's hard to say how old the fish is. I've had her for about three years. When I got her she was about six inches long. Now, she's over a foot. Like I said, she was more of a rescue, than a planned purchase. It was dumped off in the middle of the night at a local pet store. I know the owner, so he called and asked if I could take it. I went and checked it out, and despite the fish being in rough shape, decided to try and bring it back to health. I have treated her with a couple different Seachem "Plexes"(Neo and Kanna), an Ich treatment, API general cure, Erythromycin, and an anti parasitic(name escapes me at the moment). I can't give specifics on water parameters at the moment, but can only say they are consistent with the parameters she's always been kept in, so there's been no dramatic shift that I've seen. If you would like to see specific numbers, I'd be happy to get them for you. I change 1/3 of the water weekly(treated and dechlorinated with Prime beforehand), as this has always been the routine. The tank itself has been set up for about ten years. If you need to know any thing else that might give a clue, let me know, and thanks for the reply.

P.S. When I said viral, I meant fungal. That mistake is kind of the pitfall of having Wonder Woman(Lynda Carter) on in the background while trying to post in a thread.
Thank you for the info. Just looking ph, nitrates and nitrates just to make sure water isn’t too bad and causing a curbed appetite. If all else is good then if it’s a fully adult e-catfish then it may not eat much. See what Fishman Dave Fishman Dave thinks as well.

Fishman Dave

MFK Member
Nov 14, 2015
West Yorkshire
Not a fish I have experience in but ten year tank could be an issue, but not so much if water change routine is good. You don’t mention which electric cat you believe it to be but if the most common one is assumed then it’s still a long way from fully grown. I only mention this as I would suggest older fish may go through fasting periods but then, they are known to be greedy fish too. Sorry I can’t help. Hopefully a keeper with specific experience will chime in.


MFK Member
Jul 2, 2022
Not a fish I have experience in but ten year tank could be an issue, but not so much if water change routine is good. You don’t mention which electric cat you believe it to be but if the most common one is assumed then it’s still a long way from fully grown. I only mention this as I would suggest older fish may go through fasting periods but then, they are known to be greedy fish too. Sorry I can’t help. Hopefully a keeper with specific experience will chime in.
I believe it's a Malapterus Electricus. Water changes are weekly, without fail. Up until recently, she was a greedy fish, then it went off like a light switch. Other than losing interest in feeding, the fish is showing no other signs of distress, which is the puzzling part of the problem. I'll check back with numbers on water parameters later. maybe something will offer some clues. Thanks for the reply.
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MFK Moderator
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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2005
Check if it’s passing poop regularly. Little constipation will do the same. Some prepared foods soaked with Epsom salt will help this.
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MFK Member
Jul 2, 2022
How old and big is the fish? What did you to use to treat for parasites and bacteria? No real treatment out that I know of for viruses…what did you use for that? What’s your water change schedule? How old is the tank? Water parameters?
Here's the parameters:

Nitrate= 0

Nitrite= 0

pH= 6.5-7.0

Ammonia= 0


MFK Member
Jul 2, 2022
Check if it’s passing poop regularly. Little constipation will do the same. Some prepared foods soaked with Epsom salt will help this.
Not much to speak of lately. But I would chalk that up to having little to pass due to the loss of appetite.

After some pretty intensive research, I'm kind of lead to believe that the symptoms are leaning towards still being something parasitic. I'm going to they another round of anti parasitics and see what happens.