What is Your Favorite Season and Why?


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
I've been feeling the fall season vibes over the past week, and I'm just curious: what are y'all's favorite seasons?

My favorite season is fall. The weather finally starts cooling down here, pumpkin spice everything is out (I love pumpkin spice), I can dress in warmer clothing (I thrive in cold weather, but I like warm clothing—I still don't get it to this day, lol), and the best part is Halloween, when all the Ghosts, Ghouls, Johns, and Esoxes come out to play, lol.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Summer. Nicer weather, usually, and the days are much much longer. In the UK at the height of summer it comes light at 4am and goes dark at 10.30pm.

Halloween for us is having dozens and dozens of kids trick or treating with their parents. Most of them see my 360 through the window and end up coming in looking at my fish!


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Yes, I used to like Autumn - when there was one.

Here, I get three seasons, cool (comfortable), hot (oppressive), and rainy (hot punctuated with some impressive storms) which is my favourite. Except when it floods.
Where do you live? That sounds awfully familiar lol.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 17, 2017
Mine is fall/winter. Growing up in Texas there are two seasons, hot and insanely hot. Then I lived in the Pacific Northwest for most of my life, 30 plus years, I got used to seasons. Now that I moved to the Philippines it's back to two seasons, insanely hot and rain. Speaking of rain, had a hoot of a thunderstorm night before last. Passed right overhead. Less than a second between the lightning and thunder. Close enough to feel it in the floors on each crack of the lightning.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
My favourite season is usually whichever one we are heading into. :)

Fall is wonderful; cool crisp air, leaves changing colours, huge flocks of geese migrating overhead...the music of a big flock of geese overhead is one of my favourite sounds in nature...and of course the imminent arrival of hunting season.

Winter is great if you are prepared for it. I have all the clothing and gear required to stay comfortable in the coldest weather, and I have my winter wood supply carefully cut, split and stacked up near the house. I hated it back when I was still working, as getting around could be dangerous and tricky. But now, I'm retired; I never have to be anywhere unless I want to be, and I go when I want to go...and don't go when I don't want to. So now...winter is wonderful.

Spring is wonderful. The world thaws and returns to life; birds are migrating back to their nesting grounds, plant life sprouts in activity...probably the most beautiful season.

Summer is...hmmm, let's continue the trend and go with "wonderful". Where I live we get some hot weather, but nothing like the sci-fi temperatures that many of you describe. I have basically three months of shorts, t-shirts and sandals. Retirement means no more 10-hour days of wearing hot uncomfortable PPE for three weeks at a stretch. Daylight stretches from 4:30am till 10:30pm. Fish are biting, but I need a boat to go out onto the lake to catch them rather than a truck. :)

No one single favourite; the change of the seasons is...well, it's...wonderful. :) And after a few months of any one season, a change is always nice.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I do love a good lightning storm.
I love thunder and lightning, and recently coming back from vacation in Greece I witnessed something that was very different to my usual experiences.

Usually when you have a thunder storm you are underneath it, looking up at the beautiful forks of lightning and feeling the thunder verberate everywhere.

Well coming back from Greece, whilst on the plane, somewhere over Croatia, we witnessed the most beautiful thunderstorm from above!! I was mesmerised, it's certainly something to behold.