"Thin Bars also like to just up and die on you. It is a sudden death syndrome with no other apparent signs. So it is hard to blame the brackish setup or just the fish itself.
Ivan "
"It appears to be something like that. I have been reading a lot of people in Singapore and Thailand with similar problems no matter in what salinity they keep them.
My salinity with the bigger datnoids is not high but a very good friend told me to just eye measure the sale in the pond. I did and I have no problems with it. However, the smaller Thin bars I have had in the past can be doing awesome and just up and die with no signs or anything of the sort.
If you're into Dats then you should know Ivan. I just quoted some of his replies about ntt sds. If any if you know anything about this S.D.S please add your inputs. Reason being is that i lost one not long ago and another one (5") just kiss good by to his tank mates. I'm now down to 4 NTT. (3.5-4.5") Last ones was 6". I thought most of the worries should be for the smaller ones cause the bigger ones are hardier but.....
Signs are. First, it will no longer hide. Second, it will color up real nice. Third, stayed down and not very active. Four, fast breathing. Five, in the trash it goes. I would like to hear from those with more info about this. thanks.
Ivan "
"It appears to be something like that. I have been reading a lot of people in Singapore and Thailand with similar problems no matter in what salinity they keep them.
My salinity with the bigger datnoids is not high but a very good friend told me to just eye measure the sale in the pond. I did and I have no problems with it. However, the smaller Thin bars I have had in the past can be doing awesome and just up and die with no signs or anything of the sort.
If you're into Dats then you should know Ivan. I just quoted some of his replies about ntt sds. If any if you know anything about this S.D.S please add your inputs. Reason being is that i lost one not long ago and another one (5") just kiss good by to his tank mates. I'm now down to 4 NTT. (3.5-4.5") Last ones was 6". I thought most of the worries should be for the smaller ones cause the bigger ones are hardier but.....
Signs are. First, it will no longer hide. Second, it will color up real nice. Third, stayed down and not very active. Four, fast breathing. Five, in the trash it goes. I would like to hear from those with more info about this. thanks.