Polypterus Endlicheri more info and tank mates?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 9, 2019
Good morning,

I've got the Poly Endlicheri, and I've done some research on them on the net, but I've never kept Bichirs and was wondering about a good source for more information on their habitat and history? I've found some, but not nearly as much as I want.

My Endlis are currently small (6" or so), and I know they get quite big (30" or so). I've currently got a 180 gallon tank that I'm planning on setting up for them. Will this tank suite them even when full grown, or should I figure on having to get something wider in a few years?

Also, the 3 of them ate 14, nealry-inch long minnows in 12 hours, after having some bloodworms each of the two days before, and ate 16 minnows in the day and a half before that. Is that sort of appetite excessive or normal?

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Good morning,

I've got the Poly Endlicheri, and I've done some research on them on the net, but I've never kept Bichirs and was wondering about a good source for more information on their habitat and history? I've found some, but not nearly as much as I want.

My Endlis are currently small (6" or so), and I know they get quite big (30" or so). I've currently got a 180 gallon tank that I'm planning on setting up for them. Will this tank suite them even when full grown, or should I figure on having to get something wider in a few years?

Also, the 3 of them ate 14, nealry-inch long minnows in 12 hours, after having some bloodworms each of the two days before, and ate 16 minnows in the day and a half before that. Is that sort of appetite excessive or normal?


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My personal experience with Polypterus is the care is basically the same for all. Polypterus species vary in size and personality. You have the Upper Jaw and Lower Jaw group. Endlicheri are a LJ specie which means the bottom jaw protrudes a bit. Choose tankmates that are not too small to swallow or no over aggressive species. Also suggest getting your Endli on pellet food and Tilapia. If you choose to feed live you must quarantine the feeders. Live feeders can be carriers of parasites and other harmful pathogens.
Yea, I'm planning on transitioning them, but the LFS I got them from was feeding Ruby Reds, so I'm feeding them Ruby Reds from the same LFS for now. I've also thought of starting up a colony of Rubys, cleaning them out, and breeding my own. But if the Endlis usually transition to pellets / frozen ok, then I may not.

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Yea, I'm planning on transitioning them, but the LFS I got them from was feeding Ruby Reds, so I'm feeding them Ruby Reds from the same LFS for now. I've also thought of starting up a colony of Rubys, cleaning them out, and breeding my own. But if the Endlis usually transition to pellets / frozen ok, then I may not.


Yes all of the Polypterus I had and have now eat pellets, tilapia and earthworm sometimes.
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Diet Suggestions : Sinking Pellets, frozen cut Tilapia or white fish, fz cut up smelt 4-5”

History : 400 million years +

Habitat : leave minimum of 1.5” of air in water column of tank. Your 180 gallon is perfect.

Captivity Sizes : in the aquaria. 16-18” after several years of ownership. 18”plus can happen. Genetics and Diet have a large role. 20” size do occur but uncommon. 22” or more is extremely rare in captivity.

Conclusion : awesome species to own. Get more bichirs and enjoy the ride .....

Here's one of the Bichirs. He is an Endli, right? That's what he was sold as, but figured I should make sure! They said he was tank bred, but don't know how likely that is.

Their new tank mates, whom they seem to be getting along with quite well, from the same LFS. Sold as the Striped Pike, they were said to be wild. I have no idea if that's true or not, though.

And is it normal for the Bichirs to have grown.... noticeably in a week?

Looks endli to me! Check out the other threads in the poly forum to see what others are keeping :)

And yes, they do grow quick! Large pike cichlids may work as tankmates :D