1000 gallon+

  1. mybirthdateisfake

    Planning on building 2,000gal next year, stocking?

    Next year I have big plans for a 2,000gal pond. It will be 19x8x2ft (or something around that). I've got a stocking in mind but I need more fish to fill this pond. My stocking idea so far: 1 Giraffe catfish 1 Clarias batrachus 1 Clown knife fish 2 Florida gar Any other fish that could go well...
  2. Rell XV

    I need help with Tannin's.

    So I have a 1000 Gallon aquarium, my filtration system was a 1500 Gallon Capable Sump for Ponds that I purchased from Menards. It comes with a large filter pad, media and a pump that suck up sediment from the substrate. It keeps the aquarium clean for the most part. But, it cannot get rid of...
  3. E

    Concrete slab for 1400Gal

    Hey mfkers, Next month im going to pour my concrete floor (13.7” thick) where my 1400gallon plywood tank is going to sit on(78.7”x78.7”x51.5”). My question is how long i should let the concrete cure before i start filling the tank? Kind regards,
  4. Rell XV

    Large Predatory Fish Recommendations

    I have a 1000 Gallon aquarium that I was wanting to stock with Peacock Bass, but I am not able to get them in my area for anything that isn't absurdly expensive. I already have a 7" Silver Arowana enjoying itself in the aquarium, so I'm looking for something that can be compatible with Silver...
  5. S

    My Dream Tank

    We all have a dream tank(s) right? Mine are a 8' x8' x2' ray growout tank, a 30' x15' x8' SA biotope, and 3x 14' x3' x2' shrimp tanks. what are your dream tanks?