1. SingAlongWithTsing

    Tsing's 180 - WIP

    Upgrading tanks so I might as well start a new journal here lol. Hopefully I get everything done by the end of the year. Check List [X] Build the stand [X] Build the light cabinet / support structure [X] Build the light shroud [ ] Fit/affix the Black ABS wall [ ] Build the sump [ ] Plumb [...
  2. J

    Want to Buy  125g+ tank

    Looking to buy any large 6' L tank. Deeper the better. Prefer closer to 200g.
  3. fishblahblah

    What now???

    I just recently (within the last 2 weeks) moved my fish from my established 125 to a new 180 gallon aquarium. I used the same plants, driftwood, filters, everything except for the substrate and a couple new aquariums decorations. The day I moved them, I noticed what looked like camallanus worms...
  4. A

    Severum keepers help

    I have a 180 gallon set up and I added TSS and some bloodfin tetras and serpaes to cycle instead of fishless cycling because I wanted to see some action in the tank since I've waited so long. The problem is, I am not planning to keep these fish long term. I wanted to take them back to the store...