
  1. Z

    Need advise for my 180G setup

    Hi guys! Need some advice and hope u lot can help! Am setting up my first 180G, with a 40G sump! Planning to house 40-60 African cichlids..pea pebbles as substrate, and rockscape smack in the middle! Tank will be in between 2 common areas, so it needs to be eye pleasing especially both sides...
  2. R

    Heating a 180gallon

    I do have a 180g African cichlid tank. Everything is good on summer. The problem is It doesn't get as warm as I want in winter. additionally I don't have a canopy or any glass lids. will keeping a wooden canopy or a glass lid help in maintaining the heat in the tank? I checked the heater . No...
  3. Dgmannn412

    Can I do it?

    So I have recently acquired a 180. It's 8 ft by 2 ft square. I have a saddle bichir that's about 10 inches long and a veiled oscar also about 10 inches including fins. They are currently in a 55. I intend on moving them into the 180 how ever I belive that it would still be fairly empty. What are...