20 gallon

  1. F

    Bluestreak cleaner wrasse in a 20 gallon

    any idea if i can keep a Bluestreak cleaner wrasse in a 2 feet by 1 foot by 15 inch 20 gallon tank with a pair of clown fish, and a very good filter rated for a 90 gallon?
  2. slava2929

    New Tanganykan 20L - how to stock?

    I'm a new world cichlid keeper and I'm dipping my toes into Tanganykan cichlids. I have a 20 Long (crushed coral, Ph 7.7, DH 12) with two juvenile lamprologous pulchers (daffodi cichlids), but the tank seems bare. The two fish spend most ot their time in the rock structure I have in the...
  3. Dennis Kraemer

    Saltwater Setup

    working on transferring my 20 long to a reef tank I have a guess on what I want but I am a total noob so I will take all the help I can get 2 Clowns -1 Royal Gramma Basslet -1 Red Firefish Goby -1 Cleaner Shrimp I want corals and I am buying a light 2nd hand can you tell me if it is good? I got...
  4. Lawton C

    20 gallon rack system

    Hey, everyone I'm new here and love the community:D. In my mini fish room(corner of my garage that is climate controlled) I have a 20g long rack 6 tanks, empty 75, and 40 B. 3 of the 20g are empty and I wanted to do some species only tanks. What are some recommendations:D:D?
  5. Dennis Kraemer

    What Could I put in my tank???

    Hey guys I have had this tank for awhile and it is kind of a grow out tank for my bullhead. I have one yellow lab Cichlid and two albino bristle nose Plecos. Are there any schooling fish that I can add?
  6. Lars6

    I need some advice as to stocking my tank

    I am setting up a 20 gallon long (30by12by12 inches) planted tank. I am going to run a tidal 55 filter (250 gph). I was wondering how many fish would be appropriate for the tank. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  7. PGJE


    I have a 23 gallon community with an algae bloom that won't go away no matter how many times i change the water. I have tried to reduce the light (can't do it too much because I have plants in the tank), I added algaecide, and I have added a pad in the filter that is supposed to reduce nitrates...
  8. PGJE

    Outgoing cichlids for a 23 gallon tank???

    I just recently emptied my 23 gallon tank from any fish and I was wondering what cichlids I could get? I want one that would be outgoing and swimming around a lot and excited to see me for food. I was thinking convicts, but are those too shy?
  9. T

    African Cichlid Babies 20 Gallon Tank

    I currently have a 20 gallon tank with a demasoni, yellow lab, tropheus duboisi, and bumblebee in it. All fish are juvies and I wanted to know how many I can keep in this tank. I will be upgrading to a 75 gallon, since this 20 gallon was free, but not for 6 months or so. Can I keep 8-10 babies...
  10. imabot

    How to convince parents to get another aquarium

    Hey, so there are 2 goldfish in the 20 gallon my parents got for me uncycled. I'd just like to tell you all that I didn't want to get the goldfish. The employee told them they need a 20 gallon at least for one but they were like it's okay if it lives for a few weeks. I'm not even kidding.y...
  11. xDestro

    Dipping in hydrogen peroxide?

    I recently made a post of my hair algae tanking over my tank, I havnt started treatment yet as I just got back from vacation and didn't want to start it before I leave for a week. But my main question is to prevent this in the future could I take plants I buy from my lfs and dip them in straight...
  12. xDestro

    Natural substrate sand

    I'm looking for a natural looking kinda multicolored sand. Steenfott aquatics uses basically what I'm looking for in this vid at around 1 min in, But unfortunately that's not available where I am so online would be my best bet. Links would be appreciated :)
  13. Mbielek

    Dwarf Hairgrass experiment in Ram Cichlid tank

    What's up fish people, so we've all dreamed of an amazing carpeting plant to be successful in our tanks, and this is my second try at dwarf hairgrass. My first attempt was in my own 75 gallon freshwater community. After a few days, my silver dollars absolutely tore it all out and I could not...
  14. Mvrenko

    Ram tank-over crowding

    Hello, I have a 20 gallon ram tank with 3 angle ram (about 1 inch), 3 German blues (1/2 inch) and 1 Bolivian (about 3/4 inch). They are all fairly young rams. I am curious to know if I'm over crowding the tank. Just looking for some information. I have about 2 pairs in the tank as of right now...
  15. Mvrenko

    Ram Cichlid

    Hello, I am new to MFK. I have a general question about a ram tank that I currently have in the works. I have a 20 gallon, minimally decorated with a rock and fake plants. I also have a bubble wall. I was wondering how many dwarf rams would be suitable for this tank. Also if anyone has any...
  16. xDestro

    Canister = sump?

    Hooked up my fx4 on my 75 today and noticed my water level dropped quiet a bit. So if I were to have a fx4 on like a 20 gallon would that basically be a sump? On another topic can anyone recommend me a canister filter for a 20 gallon long? Stock will he f8 puffer and bumblebee gobies.
  17. G

    Rimless 10/20 Gallon Nano tank with Eurobrace Safe?

    I have a 10 and 20 Gallon tank sitting around in my garage and I've always wondered if I could rip the cheap black rim off (it looks really bad IMO) and Eurobrace it with some spare acyrlic so it looks rimless, I've considered just not bracing it at all. I've seen other people have some success...
  18. xDestro

    How many gobies?

    I want to get a 20 gallon long brackish setup with rock decor and sand and crushed coral for substrate, the whole idea was to get a figure 8 puffer but I want at least a little variety so bumblebee gobys are what I found would be best so how many do you think I could have? I was gonna say at...
  19. xDestro

    Brackish figure 8 puffer tank

    I just got my 55 gallon fw tank established and now I'm hooked, next I want to get a 20 gallon long and get a figure 8 puffer and some gobys and maybe a couple mollys, my initial plan was to get a small sponge filter and put it in my 55 to get some bacteria on it to instantly cycle my 20 and...