5 spot jewel

  1. 5Spot Junkie

    Zeus unleashed!

    Zeus is my hybrid Hemichromis (Fasciatus x Frempongi). Separated him from my female around a month ago in hopes of pairing my female up with a WC Hemichromis Fasciatus from the 2nd batch I got. Zeus has been in my 180g separated from the rest of the community to ensure he doesn't kill all my...
  2. 5Spot Junkie

    Hemichromis Fasciatus - forgotten aggression

    It's been a few years since I've tried to grow one of these out. This one is 3.5-4". Just a quick vid. I forgot how insanely aggressive these fish are https://youtube.com/watch?v=Xjd4pVa9ePo
  3. 5Spot Junkie

    Hemichromis Fasciatus spawn

    Most recent batch of fry from my WC H. Fasciatus pair. Started free swimming today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llDnfQCzrhk
  4. 5Spot Junkie

    Hemichromis Fasciatus Spawn!

    Pair is now 1month old. Came home last night to some eggs! Sorry for the crappy vid. I'll keep you udated as I will be moving in the next 7-10 days. Going to suck to pull these guys out of the tank. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PTMhdCM2tg&list=HL1341103667&feature=mh_lolz