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60 gallon

  1. Jacob6556

    Will this tank setup work? Opinions needed!!

    So this is a follow up from my last post for a great stocking idea for my new 60 gallon tank! My tank has two rock caves, a pot, and two pieces of drift wood. I also have a large filter under the tank and a power head to provide a good current in the water. So my stocking idea I got from my last...
  2. Jacob6556

    Give me some ideas for this tank!! Picture included!!

    So that’s my tank!! I’m lookimf for some great stocking ideas!! I would lik to have larger fish that max out the size limit and then some medium size fish and then maybe a small school of smaller fish! But I’m looking for your best idea on what you think would be the best fit and coolest idea...
  3. Jacob6556

    Will this 60 gallon setup work? Please help!!

    So I got a empty 60 gallon tank, it’s a little over 4 feet long and yes I cycled it threw and put a few small fish in it for the time being. So my idea was to buy a Jack Dempsey, a green terror, a convict, and then two African cichlids! This would be a dream setup as I been looking into moving...
  4. Jacob6556

    Jack Dempsey tank idea! Does this work??

    So I now have a 60 gallon tank, and ofcourse like all new tanks it’s empty. I was just wondering about what fish I should get. First I was think about just an Oscar but then I realized that one would just be to big and to much water cleaning required as the have a huge bioload. So I had an idea...
  5. Jacob6556

    Goldfish in need of help!!

    So I just bought a used fish tank from a friend and the fish tank was completely gross, I’d say hadn’t been cleaned in a year or more, the back wall was solid algae. So anyway the tank came with a 8 inch goldfish in it, and anyway the goldfish has many problems now that it’s a new tank. I have...
  6. B

    New Oscar Keeper

    I bought a 60 gallon tank because it was mega cheap (price matched from an online shop that had it on sale $200 off, whoop whoop) and I'm now planning what to put in it. I think I've decided that I would really like an Oscar. I've been doing my research and so far have learned that 60 gallons is...
  7. AG458

    I know it's been a while, but...

    Hi, MFK! It's been a while since I've been on this site, but I think it's time for a comeback! Here's my predicament: I'm gonna adjust my tank stock. My dreams of keeping potential monster fish in my 60g are gone. I'm planning to make my stock much more practical. In order to do so, I'm going...
  8. R

    Green Terror + Synodontis?

    Hey guys, so I really want to get a juvenile GT to throw in my 60. If I put him in with some synodontis cats would he be okay with him? What other tank mates are good with a GT, since I am pretty much set on getting one. If I decide not to get the terror I was also considering getting a...
  9. AG458

    Tank Mate Ideas?

    My current 60gal tank consists of four fish: a black ear pangasius, a common pleco, a juvenile peacock bass, and a clown knifefish-most of which will outgrow my tank. So far, my only issue with the tank mates is that my CK is aggressive towards my pleco-not biting him or anything like that; more...
  10. P

    Starter Chiclid Tank

    Hey Guys, Pablo here so i just wanted to know a few things. First off I am a beginner Cichlid tank owner African/South American. I have a 60 gallon canvas tank w/AquaTop Canister Filter CF-400 UV, Fluval Q2 Air Pump, Split Fold Glass Top w/LED Lighting. Since I know absolutely nothing about...
  11. Hendre

    60 Gallons of discus and stuff

    Good morning. In my quest to find nice stocking for a 250L tank I am getting in less than a month and I don't think an African oddball tank would work for me. So I have decided to look into discus and some other things. The tank is a 4ft 250L long tank that will have a double DIY canister...
  12. A

    New Jack Dempsey Tank Setup Help!

    I am in the process of setting up a 60 gal tank with sand substrate decorated with rocks and driftwood. I really would like to get a Jack Dempsey, but also wanted to add some other fish to the tank. I wanted to ask opinions on if my stocking list would work, as depending on which fish I get is...
  13. B

    Largest Fish that can be kept in a 240l (64 us gallon) tank for life?

    Hi guys, as the title says, I am wondering what the largest fish would be that could be kept in a 64 gallon tank for life? I like big fish but obviously this size of tank prohibits the keeping of any true monster fish. I guess anything large would have to be solitary, are we talking maybe a...