65 gallon

  1. C

    65 Gallon American Stocking ideas

    Hey all. I have a 65 gallon (36x18x24) that I would like to stock with some american cichlids. It would be awesome if I could keep a little variety in the aquarium. I'm interested in the following species: Jack Dempsey's (And Electric Blue Jack Dempsey's) Green Terror Texas Cichlid Electric...
  2. Kiryoku

    65 Gallon Aquarium Set Up Ideas?

    i currently have a 5 inch short body srd flowerhorn in it bare bottom. i was wondering if i should keep the flowerhorn or should i sell it, and set up the tank with discus or platinum angels or anything else? any ideas on stocking the tank? i'll probably make it a planted tank if i'm going to...
  3. Kiryoku

    Brooklyn, Looking For 65G Tank.

    Looking for 65G Tanks With Dimensions Of 18x36. Comment Or PM. Thanks!
  4. Mbielek

    Need advice on new 65 gallon setup!!

    Hello, so ive recently purchased a 65 gallon tall. Its been running for about 4 days. New filter on it, but right away i put a filter pad from an established tank that i have running. I also added a bacteria supplement to the water. Plan to move the entire existing filter to this tank when its...
  5. Mvrenko

    65 gallon fish tank_Peacock Cichlid

    Hello! I am interested in setting up a tank 65 gallon peacock cichlid tank. How many males can I fit in a 65 gallon (18.4"L x 36.4"W x 25"H) with the right up-keep? Would adding females to the tank create too much aggression? Thanks in advance for them help.