75 gallon tank

  1. Shape of Water

    For Sale  Aqueon 75 gallon aquarium sump

    A 75 gallon aquarium tank with custom cut glass dividers. I meant to use it for a sump for my stingray/Arowana tank, but I never get to it. The brand is Aqueon. Absolutely no crack and no leak. The back ground of the tank is painted with black paint with a small paint chip. If you use it for a...
  2. D

    Want to Buy  Looking for a 75 gallon tank (in New England area)

    hey so since petsmart you can only order up to a 55 gallon tank without a stand. im looking for preferably just the tank no equipment needed including a stand. if anybody in the Massachusetts area had a 75 they want to get rid of please leave me a message. * obviously not looking for a free...
  3. M

    For Sale  75g w/ custom alder stand, entire set-up

    I'm leaving the country and selling my 75g set-up. Stand was custom made by a master wood crafter from alder wood; base is 48” x 36” x 17”, top is 51” x 18” x 5”. It has three compartments, with adjustable shelves. (I paid almost $2k by the time it was done.....) Tank is custom also...
  4. C

    For Sale  75 gallon tank and wooden stand for sale (near perfect condition)

    My bearded dragon of 12 years sadly passed away and I am selling his 75 gallon tank along with the stand it goes on. Tank is in near perfect condition with the exception of the middle top piece being slightly melted from the heat lamp (see area circled in IMG_5006). Asking for $250 for both...
  5. P

    75 gallon stock idea's

    Howdy y'all, My name is George, I'm new to the site, but not fish keeping. I had a 75 gallon tank with a pair of adult green terrors in college and a 220 with a few Oscars and a JD. It's been about seven years, but my sister just gave me her boyfriends 75 gallon tank so I'm going to clean it...
  6. B

    75 gallon setup- breeding rams

    hey guys! i have a 75 gallon up an running i got from a friend,it cam with fluval 306. i currently have play sand a few clay pots 2 fake trees. 1 male German blue ram (had 3 small females but all died in 2 days ) 2 Bolivian rams which they both are males if correct 3 gold rams belive all...
  7. R

    75 gallon Jack Dempsey tankmates

    Hi, I'm setting up a 75 gallon aquarium with a Jack Dempsey as my main fish. I would prefer two, one male and one female, along with some Cory and Ottos as a cleanup crew. I would also like to add a minimum of six schooling fish that a nice to look at can hold their own in this aquarium. Any...
  8. Kelsicula

    Finalizing my 75g

    In my tank currently I have 2 Senegal Bichir, a regular that appears male and an albino that appears female, judging from its fatter body, both are about 4in. With them I have a gold severum and angelfish, along with a large sailfish pleco that I plan on trading in once my bristlenose gets a few...
  9. Jhay3513

    Second Sump Chamber

    currently I'm just using it as a chamber for my waterchange pump. Is there anything else I can use this chamber for to maximize my filtration?
  10. Mbielek

    HELP!!! Sick Green Terror Cichlid

    Hello, so I've had my Green Terror for almost a year now and he's up to about 4.5 inches. Been very healthy since I've had him. Only recently has he been acting very slow and almost like he's weak and is always just laying low under things in my tank. His usual behavior is pretty energetic and...
  11. Mbielek

    Marineland Emperor 400 filter problem!!!! Please help!!!

    So I have two emperor 400 filters running in my 75 gallon tank. The most recent of the two filters has suddenly acquired a massive problem. I was going to to turn the filters back on, as I do weekly for my water changes. Filters purged back up all the way of course before turning back on. The...
  12. xDestro

    Is my tank overstocked?

    Reason I ask if because I use to think it was way overstocked but looking at the tank it seems fine. 75 gal tank 48x18 Fx4 and sponge filter Stock: 1 9" syno notatus 1 4-5" syno hybrid (not sure name) 1 3-4" dwarf giraffe catfish 1 4" zig zag eel 1 5-6" senegal bichir 1 8-9" delhezi bichir...
  13. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...
  14. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...
  15. Mbielek

    75 gal cichlid community tank update!!!

    Hello all! So after battling an algae bloom, and finally returning water to normal condition, I have taken some updated pics!! Let me know what you guys think. Tank contains 2 blood parrots, 1 green terror, 3 silver dollars and one pleco.
  16. Mbielek

    Desperate for suggestions/help with cloudy water

    Hello all, so i had major algae bloom in my 75g tank that ive been battling for a couple weeks. It all started with me putting in an algae wafer for my plec to eat, and im sure because he didnt eat it all, it caused some cloudy water that i didnt like. With me being impatient, i took out about...
  17. Mbielek

    Reoccurring Cloudy water

    Hello all, so i had major algae bloom in my 75g tank that ive been battling for a couple weeks. It all started with me putting in an algae wafer for my plec to eat, and im sure because he didnt eat it all, it caused some cloudy water that i didnt like. With me being impatient, i took out about...
  18. Mbielek

    New to the forum, looking for general info/feedback/opinions

    So I'm new to MFK, just want to see what anybody has to say about my tank setup in general. I have a 75 gallon long stocked with fake plants/decor. Filtered by 2 marineland emperor 400s w/bio wheels. Few bubble stones in place, one 48 in bubble wall as well. I have in my tank two parrot...
  19. K


    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 75 GALLON BLACK MODERN FISH TANK COMPLETE SETUP What are your prices?: 750 Where are you located?: Colts Neck, NJ Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: 75 Gallon, barely used fish tank used for about 3 months. It's...