• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. F

    Tank help

    Right So at the moment we have a 350l With a fully grown tyre track eel, a starlight plec some kuhli loach and sterbai Cory 125l With 2 musk turtles and shrimp 100l Shrimp, raspboras, cory and kuhli loach 55l Baby acara The acara needs to go in a bigger tank but not with the eel yet as...
  2. C

    For Sale Electric blue Acara 4” pu in SoCal

    4” long term captive $50 pickup in SoCal 92833
  3. BlueJacks

    For Sale South American Cichlids

    4 Geophagus Redhead Tapajos 3 inches 50$ 4 Albino threadfin Acaras 2inches. 50$ 3 mesoheros gephyrus 3-4inch. 50$ 1 Parachromis Managuense 3.5 inches. 10$ Can meet within reason bring a bucket!
  4. J

    Spiny Eel suggestions with Oscar?

    I have a 75 gallon South American tank. It’s stocked with a tiger Oscar, 2XL electric blue acara, a chocolate cichlid and a bristle nose. The tanks is over filtered to 750 gallons per hour (Marineland 375 HOB and Marineland 360 canister) to keep the bio load in check. I wanted to add an “odd”...
  5. K

    EBAs suddenly very unwell- everything else in tank OK

    Hello, I have two 3 inch EBAs whose health has plummeted in the past two days. All other fish appear normal. 75 gallon tank, sand substrate, 78 degrees. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate and ph 7.8. 2x EBA, 1 heckelii, 1 severum, 1 BGK, 7 Congo tetras, 1 jewel cichlid. All are juveniles except...
  6. karpomatic

    Adding Oscars?

    This is my 125 gallon mostly South American cichlid tank. The aquarium is filtered with a 48 gallon custom sump that turns over about 2000 gph. I'll add my stock list below. I was thinking of adding an Oscar or two. Thoughts? 1 Festuvum 1 Geophagus Winemilleri 5 Uaru 2 Blue Acara 1 Royal...
  7. AlexCR

    Acara with Pop eye

    Hi Everyone, my Acara is showing a really bad pop eye, the first day when i noticed, it was not that bad, i move it to a quarantine tank like 3 hours later, and was showing the cornea a little blurry and red areas. Since last Friday I'm treating him with Melafix, like 3 tablespoons of...
  8. T

    Is my Electric Blue Acara sick?

    Hi guys, I had a large male Acara fish in my community 4ft tank going really well. I had him for 1 year and he is 2 years old, but yesterday he suddenly changed and went off eating. He turned a neon whiteish colour and kept in the corner. That arvo he died. I was really confused and didn't know...
  9. D

    Overstocked 55 Gal ~ Ca/Sa Mix

    I'm looking for some advice on my first Cichlid Tank. I've currently got a standard 55 gal aquarium 4ft x 1ft x 1.5ft (H). Its a planted tank, currently housing 6 Congo tetras and will need to house a 5-6 inch Rainbow Shark. The shark is pretty quick and aggressive so it should fit in with...
  10. Bluesandtwo

    110G SA Riparium Build

    I wanted to try something new and give a riparium a go. Firstly I wanted something a bit more natural looking with another dimension. Secondly I wanted some greenery but have SD's... so no joy growing anything under the water!! It's all trial and error, early stages. But I wanted to share with...
  11. O

    Acara won’t lay eggs!!

    I have 2 EB Acaras 4”&6”, one 10” Oscar, a school of 11 guppies, two 3” yo-yo loaches in a 120 gallon tank. Water parameters are very good other than hard water, light is on 12hrs per day, water is 80 degrees. There are turtle shell fragments, and a couple of pieces of a coconut in there that...
  12. overdrive

    Well that explains a lot

    I couldn’t figure out why one of my electric blue Acara was hiding in the corner all the time, even though the two I bought were getting along so well (together and with the other fish) previously. Turns out there are little eggs laid all over the ornament she’s been hovering over the last few...
  13. Sizzy905

    Chocoalte Cichlid shock?

    I had a chocolate cichlid with a pair of blood parrots, green Severum, and one electric blue acara in a 75 gallon. Everything was okay until the parrot cichlids started laying eggs and became very aggressive towards the chocolate cichlid which is at the bottom of the food chain in my tank. It...
  14. fishblahblah

    What is sticking out of my acara?

    I noticed my sort of new acara has something white protruding from his vent/anal area. When I first bought him/her I treated with paraguard and triple sulfa to treat any possible problems. That was about a month ago. He’s since been moved to a 90 gallon and is eating well, swimming normally, and...
  15. K

    Interactive wet pet & appropriate tank size

    Hi everyone, Long time lurker, Lots of wet pet questions out there but hopefully this one gives me all my answers. Sorry if the post gets long or if its in the wrong spot, feel free to move it mods :) There's a tl;dr at the bottom I'm planning on getting a larger interactive fish as a wet pet...
  16. Hybridfish7

    Snowflake the 'rio esmeraldas gold' acara. How's she doing today?

    This post will just be on my rio esmeraldas gold female, snowflake. (I should start calling her 'goldflake', she's more gold now.) I'll try to post pictures updating on her daily. Story behind her: got her from Jeff Rapps at the 2017 big fish deal. She was part of a breeding pair, lived in a 10...
  17. fishblahblah

    What now???

    I just recently (within the last 2 weeks) moved my fish from my established 125 to a new 180 gallon aquarium. I used the same plants, driftwood, filters, everything except for the substrate and a couple new aquariums decorations. The day I moved them, I noticed what looked like camallanus worms...
  18. cro117

    FS | 6" Electric Blue Acara & same size regular Blue Acara | $45 | 93560 | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 6" Electric Blue Acara & same size regular Blue Acara What are your prices?: 45 Where are you located?: 93560 Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: i have a 6in electric blue acara and same size regular acara i'm...
  19. C

    Can you Keep Kribensis and Geophagus together?

    I've been trying to figure out my last fish for my tank. I want a easy breeding pair of Cichlids, but my tank has South American Geophagus while the Kribensis I am currently looking to get are West African. I've seen people on Youtube keep them together but i do not know if its wise. All i want...
  20. I

    Acara fry help please

    Can anyone give me any pointers on how to look after Acara fry? For about 9 months the eggs have been getting eaten, I'm not sure by who so this is my first time trying to look after them. I only have about 20 left after most of them being sucked out of the bottom of their hatchery by I think...