amphilophus hogaboomorum

  1. J

    Amphilophus hogaboomorum

    Hello everyone! Can any of you confirm if this is a true Amphilophus hogaboomorum?
  2. Jexnell

    My Amphilophus Hogaboomorum journal

    In this thread I will be keeping track of the Amphilophus Hogaboomorum that I got from @DMD123 He will be living in a 6ft 125gallon. Atm there are 13 Red Eye tetras and a male Apisto. Filtration is 2x Aquaclear 110's, Ehiem heater and airpump. He sulked for about five minutes then...
  3. C

    Is this a true Hogaboomorum?

    Got this fish a couple years ago from a coworker who had it (along with an oscar and jack dempsey) dumped on him by a friend that moved away. He looks like a hoga but it just doesnt make sense that the guy (who had them all in a 20g) would have such an uncommon fish. Pics are all within weeks of...