
  1. V

    Which Angelfish variety?

    Hi Looking to overhaul my tank setup.and want to add a group of angelfish but can't decide which. I'm ideally looking for a larger, taller than average angelfish but not altum. I think I've narrowed it down to dantum (not albino) vs manacapuru but reliable info is scarce on the dantum. Does...
  2. Katie Phillips

    What is this white mucus on my Angelfish?

    I noticed a white scrape-like thing right above my angelfish mouth one day. It was small, so I thought maybe she scraped herself on something and didn't really think anything of it, but the next day it became this white mucus and became more extensive, and her eyes became cloudy. I also noticed...
  3. N

    Group of angel fishes not pairing up.!!

    I have 16 angels which are collected randomly and left in a 75 gallon tank 60% of them are siblings. They are all adults above 12 to 16 months. And now its been almost two months they are together and doesnt show any mating rituals. All are very active and agressive to each other since then. I...
  4. Tyson Dreha

    White growth on angelfish chin!!

    Hi gang. Ive been in the hobby for close to a year now, and have just noticed one of my blue zebra angelfish has a white spot on its chin that protrudes a few mill of with a red base. It looks like a white head or pimple as apposed to ick. I added rainbows and then noticed the spot and thought...