
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    New cool acquisition (Laemolyta sp. cf garmani, Anostomidae)

    So, about a month ago I visited Absolutely Fish in Newark, NJ. I have been there several times and have never been disappointed. Among several very cool fish, and the run of the mill, I spotted a fish they apparently were unaware they had (despite they being very knowledgeable). Unlabeled...
  2. F

    Beautiful but Jerk(ish) Anostomus & other HEADSTANDERS

    HEADSTANDERS are a loosely related group of South American ‘characins’, in two families (ANOSTOMIDAE and CHILODONTIDAE). Their name comes from the habit of frequently standing in near vertical position, and performing antics while feeding (sometimes upside down), hiding, or otherwise just...