
  1. xenacanth9

    Might start selling apistos

    Thinking about getting into breeding/selling Apistogrammas, wish me luck, I'll make a website and share it with you guys in the marketplace if and when I go through with this idea. I am probably going to start with double reds, and eventually expand to other strains, other species, and...
  2. K

    apistogramma male or female

    I recently got two cockatoo cichlids and when I first got them they were both very colorful. I think one is a female and one is a male, but the female has lost all her yellow color. Could this be because the “male” is actually a female and is the dominant one? The “male” is always chasing away...
  3. Jeremy Anderson

    Aspiring Keeper of Monsters. Howdy, from Idaho!

    We actually say howdy here. :D Since this is an animal keeper forum I'll start by listing my menagerie. I keep some tiny monsters, in the form of a few Apistogramma agassizii. We have half a dozen sweetheart Discus in a community tank with 4 Blue Rams 4 Corydoras and an Ancistrus. I have a...
  4. jamntoast

    Crenicichla Regani with apistogramma Agassizii

    I decided to try something out today, I needed some tank space so I evicted a little female a. Agassizii from her tank. I first tried to move her to a community type tank where the only fish she'd worry about were some guianacara and some heros but that tank had too much current and she was...