asian arowana

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    Red Arowana with 2 scales that have black dots and is darker then the rest

    Hello everyone, currently it has been 3 days now and on the first day that I have noticed, the 2 scales were almost completely dark but today it’s breaking down and going into like small dots on those 2 scales. What can I do to solve this and what’s the cause? Thank you guys in advance
  2. cafeiguana

    My new Malaysian golden blue base

    Just arrived yesterday. Lets see how it developes. From AF AROWANA FARM.
  3. S

    Arowana eye injury

    Today while cleaning the glass my Arowana got spooked and banged itself in a corner with the sump outlet i gave a through cheak and there’s something like air bubble inside its upper layer of the eye i know it was a injury because i cheak him daily and the water parameters are perfect please...
  4. Z

    Super Red Asian Arowana | I just bought a SR any Advices???

    Hey guuys!! So, I just bought a Super Red Asian Arowana. Just wondering if anyone has one or knowledge on keeping it alive in the long run? It's harvest date was on January so its still pretty young. About 4-5 months right now? I have it in about 100 gallons tank right now. Will 100% move into...
  5. D

    Please help me identify my Asian Arowana RTG/HBRTG/Banjar Red/ Green

    Hi so I bought this fish a week ago assuming it was an RTG/HBRTG Arowana, the shopkeeper told me it was and after crosschecking with google image it looks similar enough. I was gonna pick it up this Saturday but after googling some more I started to doubt myself. Turns out juvenile RTG/HBRTG...
  6. Rghfor

    Pop eye / major cloudy eye Asian Arowana Major

    Eever since I got the Asian Aro it’s had issues (4 months ) , wouldn’t eat, acted stressed etc slowly pop eye and cloudy eye developed . Fresh water and salt seemed to solve the cloudy eye however it kept coming back this time round it’s back with a vengeance . Major pop eye and cloudy eye ...
  7. mattybecks

    Are plecos good scavengers?

    As the title may suggest, do pleco's make good scavengers for general uneaten foods like pellets/shrimp/anchovies etc? or is there a better option? (My Arow has recently started making a mess chewing, and has eaten/killed her other tank mates who would usually scavenge). I have tried cutting the...
  8. J

    Jardini Arowana Growth Rate

    Can anyone tell me how fast a Jardini is supposed to grow? Does it grow slower than the Asians? I know it grows slower than the silver. I want to make sure that I am providing it with enough food to ensure proper growth.
  9. mattybecks

    RBP and Arowana

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had experience keeping red belly piranhas and arowana together? I remember from about 9 years ago I kept a silver aro and some RBPs together (both the aro and RBP were juveniles), and eventually the aro was eating the RBPs. So I had to separate them. Never...
  10. mattybecks

    My tanks

    Hi Guys, I havent posted pics or vids on my tanks for a while now, thought I put them online for record purposes :) 1 - 750L, 1.8m aquarium. Asian Arowana (50cm in length). 6 x Geophagus Tapajos (approx 15cm each. Smallest is about 12, largest is 17cm). 1 x rainbow shark. 2 -150L Marine Tank -...
  11. M

    FREE Super red arowana for sale

    Selling my super red arowana at approximately 11 inches.Very stunning fish,feeding like a real monster should. Pick up in Ca.Whatsapp me at ±1 414-600-4130 for more info.
  12. N

    Is this a fungal or parasitic problem?

    Hi, can I ask for some help from you guys again? Currently I own an asian aro. He/she lives in 500-ish litre tank (I think, the tank dimension is 1,6 m x 60-70 cm x 60 cm). I don't know about the exact biological age of my fish but I think I bought him 7 or 7,5 years ago. I guess I can say...
  13. V

    Fish Room Build Thread

    So it begins A long dream of mine is realizing in front of my eyes as we speak. After a couple of years planning, buying a new house and not least hard negotiations with my significant other I can finally commence the building of my new fish room. General overview Large tank - 750 gallon...
  14. mattybecks

    Arowana, Geos and Pothos roots

    Hi there, Last week I posted about a rescue Asian Arowana I adopted, who I did a little gill curl surgery on that is doing really well now. So my question is regarding tank set up. Ive always kept it pretty simple. sand for the geos to sift through, and some rocks for them to create...
  15. B


    Hello introduce me from Indonesia, I'm a seller of super red arowana fish Kapuas Hulu where the center of Arwona fish lives. this is one of the collections that I want to sell payment can be via paypall account we usually export to countries where CITES is allowed AROWANA SUPER RED SIZE 30CM
  16. mattybecks

    Another rescue - Arowana question on gill curl

    Hi Guys, As we are all aware, the current pandemic is effecting us all. As Dubai is 90% foreigners. A few people had to go home in a hurry, or seriously downsize their lives. Unfortunately this leaves a lot of animals in a poor situation, including fish. Quite a number have been dropped off at...
  17. mattybecks

    Asian Arowana suddenly swimming very different - back broken?

    Hi guys, For the last three days (this is the third day) my highback golden has had a complete turn around in behavior. I have had him for a few weeks, and he hasn't shown skittish behavior, always cruising around the surface of the aquarium, eating well. He very abruptly stopped eating and...
  18. mattybecks

    Asian Arowana ID

    So I managed to get an Asian Arowana from a fish wholesaler in a little emirate here called Ajman. (next to Dubai/Sharjah). I have never seen such a variety of fish before, or prices like these. There are pretty much no restrictions on what you can get. Anyway the guy told me the Aro was a new...
  19. P

    Arowana mixing

    Hello everyone hoping for some quick tips, I have a foot long Asian arowana in my 180 gallon tank 6x2x2 and I’m thinking of adding an albino silver or black arowana, I don’t have one picked out I’m just doing some preliminary research. Would this matchup be acceptable and are there ways to...
  20. Miks786

    Asian Arowana info?

    Hey guys, I recently got a baby Asian Arowana for a really good price, his in a grow out tank with some feeders... I’m not sure on what species he is as his still small but I’ll hope for the best.. Could anyone please tell me the growth rate on them? Compared to a silver Arowana? TIA