baby electric eel

  1. Jjiang00

    Baby electric eel spitting out food?

    I’ve him for about a week now and have been adding bloodworms/brineshrimp in every night and scooping out uneaten food. Problem is, he seems very interested and eats it only to spit it out 5 seconds later. Everytime he swallows, an air bubble leaves his mouth, he spits the food out as if hes...
  2. Jjiang00

    Want to Buy  Want to buy electric eel

    Anybody know where rod from pred fins get those baby electric eels and if anybody doesn’t want theirs? I’m willing to go up to around 12 inches for one but the smaller the better thanks.
  3. lisham

    Baby Electric Eel Pooping...

    Here's a video of 1 of my 3 electric eels pooping after eating cut up sharpbelly minnow... I feed them twice a day and their bellies are always rounded... This one is the biggest at 6". The other two are about 5" and 4"... They're kept separate just in case the bigger one decides to play...