bean animal

  1. L

    How would you do it? Overflows, PVC Size (230 & 310 US Gallons!)

    Hello, I recently got 2 new aquariums, one of these will be a big upgrade for my African cichlids and the other I'm planning on using for when I get my first freshwater stingray. The stingray I'm planning on getting is a mini marble motoro and will have 3 mono pbass. My tanks are getting...
  2. narayanang76

    My custom tank build with Bean Animal Overflow and Sump

    My 220G Aquarium Tank Build with Bean Animal Overflow and Sump: Preamble: It is a 220 G aquarium tank, and not in the league of many other tank many of the members in this forum have. Given the constraints where I live, wrt the construction of the multi-storied apartments, size of the house...
  3. GoldFinger

    305 Gallon Build W/ 120 Gallon Sump

    Finally made progress on my sump and tank. I will post as much information as I can in hopes it will help other newbies such as myself. Please feel free to critique as I will be filling the system soon to test everything! Tank Specs: 305 Gallons 3/4” Starphire (all walls) L 84” W 30” H 28”...
  4. GoldFinger

    Urgent Bean Animal Advice into External Overflow

    Hey folks! Hoping for some bean animal wisdom from you pros. I have an external (ghost type) overflow and have limited space to work with in the box and the water enters pretty low leaving little room for my main siphon and open channels down turned elbows. Any advice and especially pictures...
  5. GoldFinger

    Help with sump set-up

    Hey guys I would love some help figuring out how to build my sump. My tank will house an Asian Arowana with possible discus and a ray or eel. The tank is going to be 84x30x28 with a 3 foot external ghost overflow at the back coupled with Bean Animal drains and two returns. I would like to go as...
  6. GoldFinger

    Coast to Coast Overflow Advice Please!!

    Hey Guys I have a customs tank being built 84"x30"x28" and was going to use 2 fluval FX6's but have been swayed by almost everyone to do a sump. I'm planning on having an Arowana and possibly discus and a ray. My thought is to do a coast to coast overflow with the bean animal method. Here are my...