
  1. xenacanth9

    I'm concerned.

    In the past year or so, it seems like my local PetCos have grown a lot more ambitious. If you go to any of the PetCos within a 30 minute radius of where I live, chances are you'll find at LEAST one, and very possibly multiple of the following: Exodons, bumblebee gobies, pea puffer, wrestling...
  2. Newbkeeper

    Got my first arowana. What should be the basic do's & dont's

    Hi everyone, I got my first arowana yesterday. Its a baby silver arowana around 4to5 inch long. I have previous experience with bettas and chichilids. I have kept moorie blue dolphins for 3 years but unfortunately they passed since i went out of town for 10 days and my friend over fed them. So...