bichir health

  1. B

    Help Identifying Mark/Spot

    *New member warning lol* Hello! I have just noticed a small mark on one of my Delhezi Bichirs. I am unsure if it is a scrape or little nick from an object or if it is illness related. It had to have appeared between this afternoon and this morning. No signs of any abnormal behaviour since I...
  2. Y

    Swollen anal fin? (Senegal bichir)

    Hello! My senegal bichir has had that lump for a few months now. I don't have the funds to afford bring it to the fish vet as it could cost up to $100 inclusive of the consultation fee here in Singapore. Please tell me if there's anything I can do to help my bichir, I really don't want my bichir...
  3. Jush

    Bichir Water

    Do Bichir prefer soft, medium or hard water with what ideal PH? I was thinking 3-6Kh with a Ph around 7-7.5? But all comments appreciated.
  4. Y

    Help! Does my bichir have fungal growth?

    I'm new to keeping aquatic animals. How do I treat my bichir?
  5. Sarahmander

    Did I Overfeed My Bichir?

    I have a juvenile Senegal Bichir (about 4in) that I have had less than a month. I have him in a 45gal tank with a Delhezi bichir of the same size. I was having trouble getting my Del to eat, and my Sen would end up eating his food AND half of hers. Now his back half is floating up awkwardly and...