0.5" Fry available, $4 (minimum buy of 5)
Both parents are beautifully colored and came from Cichlids of the Americas
Shipping possible or pickup in Queens NY
Was hoping someone with some central American experience could give me some advice. I'm new to raising viejas and am wondering what's best as far as removing parents or letting them do their thing.
Tank is 8'x2x17"
Ph 7.4
Temp 79
Nitrate <5
Hi all! I have a black belt cichlid that needs to be moved out of its grow out tank since it is beginning to show aggression to others. This fish is 4 to 5 inches. At what size can I add this fish into a 300 gallon with much larger 9 to 10 inch cichlids (Jag, Bifa and Mayan)?