So i contacted of my LFS for Bandit cichlids, they said I could chose one of the following:
Owroewefi 1” to 1 ½”
Geayi 1” to 1 ½ “
Dacrya 1 ½” to 2 ¼”
Spenozona Suriname Red Spot 1½” to 2 ¼”
and one back up choice incase the other one is sold out.
So my questions are: Which...
I think my gulper has a louse (cue goosebumps and skin crawl).
Would that affect his appetite?
How would I remove it?
I've had him a week today. He's wild caught but I imported him from a Cichlaholics.
Pics aren't great. Not much practice taking photos of moving objects through glass.
Share your Blackwaters!
I always fascinated with blackwater. What lies underneath it. The sinister feeling to it. Hope to see some of the same style. I'm new to aquascape, the layout still rough.
720 gallon:
120 gallon:
Hello everyone,
I'm, looking to add a species of Anubias to my 125 gallon setup, I'm thinking of going with Anubias Nana, whats everyone's favorite type of Anubias or suggestion ?