
  1. M

    Oscar lethargic, not eating, slightly bloated. Need help diagnosing and treating

    I have a ~10 inch Oscar (6yrs old) that has been in excellent health forever. Over the past few weeks he has gradually become more lethargic and in the past week he has stopped eating any food and barely moves. I do weekly water changes of ~25% and have not changed anything in the aquarium. He...
  2. MetalRavioli

    Is it Time?

    Hey MFK I have a keyhole cichlids whos around a year old, ever since I purchased him with my five others he hasn't grown much and has been at the bottom of the pecking order. Recently he hasn't even been eating, so I moved him to a separate tank so he could eat without getting bullied. However...
  3. E

    Longterm Oscar bloat - what can be done?

    I have a Oscar fish who has gotten pretty bloated as of the last month. He behaves normally, eats normally, etc. Today he was very sluggish, but ate normally yesterday. Fasting did not result in bloating going away, tried this for 4 days without food, then a week at 30% feedings, and then 70%...
  4. icptoke3

    Royal pleco plumping up

    Hi, my royal pleco I've had about a year now recently got extra plump. I added a piece of driftwood from one of my other tanks and he went to town on it. Is he just a fatty, or is there something wrong with him? He definitely sucked on that wood nonstop for about a week. There was previously...
  5. HybridFinatic

    Flowerhorn stomach cramp?!?

    a couple weeks ago I got this fh from petco and seems to have a lot of potential and all and I take great care of it but something on its left side of it’s stomach is bothering me and I wondering if you all knew anything about it. In this picture you can see in indent in its stomach or tightness...
  6. clm08k

    CB albino ate a flourish tab

    My 6inch CB albino Senegal -who eats everything-decided to eat a Seachem flourish tab. He eats sand for fun and dug a fertilizer tab up and ate it. He’s looked like this for 72 hours. Haven’t fed him. Please help. He looks like he’s fat, but the bump is about an inch from his pec fin. I do...
  7. C

    Flowerhorn Bloat

    I was just wondering if anybody could tell me if my flower horn has bloat or if its just his shape. His tank parameters are normal. Tmep is at 80. He also swims normally and is active and is eating. Here are some pics I could get of him. I forgot to add the owner before me fed him grand sumo red...
  8. Z

    Algernon has bloat

    My ancient pleco developed bloat. I have done two big tank and filter changes, and fed him some minced peas. He became more active at first, but is still drifting and staying near the top of the tank. He's in a 35 gallon tank with another older catfish, and both have been very healthy until...
  9. J

    Bichir: Bloated, Overfed, or Something else? Help!

    Hi, I'm Jess, and I've just barely joined here. I really need some help with my Senegal Bichir that I've had for about two years now. I live in the middle of the US and in a desert so there isn't really anyone or any good pet stores that have large fish/exotic fish that I can ask help from. My...
  10. B

    Bloat or fat?

    I don't have a good quality camera so can't show photos, does anyone know if bloat is a large jutting bump at the abdomen or can look like overall thick/fat? It's a 5 inch bichir and it doesn't really have a bump, more so just very thick/fat, and it had a back end floating issue that went away...
  11. GamerChick5567

    Help with hex treatment?

    Hey guys, recently my small green terror (he's maybe 4.5") has developed a case of hex out of nowhere. It has been going on for at least 2 weeks (I noticed it because he was way lethargic and stopped eating, and he's usually one of the more active fish), unfortunately I wasn't able to treat it...
  12. Dustin0413


    This forum and posts from members such as RD and others have become a valuable tool in successful fish keeping. I thank you! I cannot say enough good things about 3% magnesium sulfate treatment for GI problems with my African cichlids. I should make it known that I have not had one fish in...