bolivian rams

  1. H

    Stocking advice needed

    I’m preparing to stock a new 125 gallon tank (will be cycled prior to adding fish). I’d love some expert advice. I want to keep some combination of geophagus tapajos, threadfin acara, angelfish, and Bolivian rams. Maybe some sort of schooling dither fish also. I just don’t know how many of each...
  2. Night owl

    Breeding my bolivian rams

    I recently purchased a pair of bolivian rams and was wondering how I would go about getting them to breed
  3. Mvrenko

    Ram tank-over crowding

    Hello, I have a 20 gallon ram tank with 3 angle ram (about 1 inch), 3 German blues (1/2 inch) and 1 Bolivian (about 3/4 inch). They are all fairly young rams. I am curious to know if I'm over crowding the tank. Just looking for some information. I have about 2 pairs in the tank as of right now...