• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. N

    Bay Snook Red eating their eggs

    Hi, I had two Bay Snook Red which recently bred but they are eating their egg. It's been few hours since they laid egg. There was one bristlenose in the tank which I took out after suspecting it was eating egg and making snooks thing their egg are in danger. I think that's the reason why they...
  2. M

    What morph is my Flowerhorn?

    Hello everyone, i was curious what morph/type of flowerhorn i have. I have never really seen one with a white kok like his. Thanks!
  3. C

    Cuban Cichlid Sex?

    Got one from imperial tropicals in July and don’t know the sex. If someone could help me out.
  4. J

    Help to identify this flowerhorn.

    Hi. This flowerhorn was recently aoldnto me as a female fader flowerhorn. But I am not so sure that it is a female as the behavior of a female Texas cichlid I already had in my tank has changed and is giving it a lot of attention since I introduced the flowerhorn to the tank. I am so have a...
  5. J

    Help to identify this flowerhorn.

    Hi. This flowerhorn was recently aoldnto me as a female fader flowerhorn. But I am not so sure that it is a female as the behavior of a female Texas cichlid I already had in my tank has changed and is giving it a lot of attention since I introduced the flowerhorn to the tank. I need help to...
  6. rayoddballfish

    What to feed angelfish fry

    Hey guys, my angels have spawned multiple times this past month, but the fry never get past the free swimming stage. Every time they are gone, possibly from angel parents and other inhabitants eating them. I've recently set up a small 10 gallon fry tank and they just laid eggs. After they are...
  7. rayoddballfish

    Angelfish layed eggs?

    Hey guys, just got three adult angelfish and they were chasing each other and now laid eggs on my driftwood and Anubias. However, it seems all three of them are laying the eggs and now I think they are three females that made infertile eggs.Is there a way to tell? I hope they are fertile lol...
  8. L

    Flowerhorn- need opinions on what breed I possibly have

    I'm looking to see if the opinions of other fish keepers match up with what I was told my flowerhorns were by the shop. I know to expect color changes but I'd like to see what what breed I'm possibly looking at. I'll attach a couple pics of each.
  9. Fiberacci

    180 gallon

    Hi everyone, Heres my tank where I'm hoping to breed C. Myersi Stocking 1x ornate bichir 4" 1x fire eel 6" 5x red head tapajos 1.5" 4x C. Myersi 2" 5x giant danios 1.5" 2x Denison barbs(trying to sell) 3" I'm planning to use this thread to document the juvenile Myersi and see if my...
  10. slava2929

    What to do with fry

    Thought i had two male rainbow cichlids but the much smaller fish (about 1/3 the size of my adult rainbow) ended up being female and now I have about 100 fry and they're growing. Have been in the hobby off and on for years, but only got hardcore a year ago and I have never bred fish. In about...
  11. M

    Help Sexing My Flowerhorns

    So I recently took up Flowerhorns and I had got two. The pictures are below, I originally had one in my 90 gallon (the one with no black/fading) with my friends proven female and he was never aggressive towards her only chased her around. The second one (the one with black on it) immediately...
  12. IFLAquatics


    So guys we tried to find a girlfriend or at least just a friend to make our male kribensis, Trips, happy or at least give him some company so we got a little kribensis for him because he used to get picked on. We got him a friend and named (her we found out) Tracks. Now when we put her in there...
  13. Mugsyc

    Can they???

    Can a Red Tiger Motaguense Cichlid and a white saum breed??
  14. Randy West

    Breeding Guppies Questions

    I have a 29g with; EBA Peppered Cory Pleco 2-Platys 6-Guppies (2M 4F) 1-Fiddler Crab I made a diy crabitat from an open mouth wine jug. Im thinking of purchasing a atlantis crabitat so my question is this.... If i allow the jug to fill with water and put substrate in it will that suffice as a...
  15. Night owl

    Breeding bettas

    I have a male and female betta together in the same 5 gallon aquarium I was wondering if there is anything special I must do for them to breed.
  16. jmf

    What to do with fry...help lol

    Hi Everyone, What do you guys do with your fry? I have guppies and multis being typical guppies and multis. I have fry coming out of my ears lol. I had read somewhere that multi's will only have enough babies that the tank size would allow. I see now that is incorrect, as I have so many and...
  17. Larryfish

    Vieja fenestratus. Breeding help!!!

    Okay. So I'm breeding vieja fenestratus. And the female has laid eggs. We are now on day 3. Some of the eggs are white in color. From what I've read online. They're. Dead. But some of the eggs have like a black on them. Any idea what this is. I'll post pictures.
  18. G

    Possible breeding behaviour for unlikely couple?

    I have an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (4.5 inch) and one male convict (3 inch) in my tank, but the convict keeps following the ebjd everywhere, always swimming aside it, which is strange for me, since he's usually aggro. They just follow each other around all day, so I can only suspect some sort...
  19. G

    Possible breeding behaviour for unlikely couple?

    I have an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (4.5 inch) and one male convict (3 inch) in my tank, but the convict keeps following the ebjd everywhere, always swimming aside it, which is strange for me, since he's usually aggro. They just follow each other around all day, so I can only suspect some sort...
  20. G

    Possible breeding behaviour for unlikely couple?

    I have an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (4.5 inch) and one male convict (3 inch) in my tank, but the convict keeps following the ebjd everywhere, always swimming aside it, which is strange for me, since he's usually aggro. They just follow each other around all day, so I can only suspect some sort...