
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    Can you help me sex these eba

    I got these 4 eba about a year ago and I’m trying to figure out what genders they are
  2. All Sev

    I need help Guys Urgent info required

    I need severum vent pictures. If anyone have those venting pictures please comment here. Thanks for advance
  3. sp_palmas

    Body pattern generation of P.palmas with some pirctures

    That black tadpole becomes palmas First. white~yellow spots occurs around it's body Few days later, we can see horizonal lines their body. From now on, we can see dorsal fins with white edge. Like this! And about one week later, I can see secondary horizonal...
  4. N

    Bay Snook Red eating their eggs

    Hi, I had two Bay Snook Red which recently bred but they are eating their egg. It's been few hours since they laid egg. There was one bristlenose in the tank which I took out after suspecting it was eating egg and making snooks thing their egg are in danger. I think that's the reason why they...
  5. RandomAlgae

    Apparently someone managed to trigger breeding in Mormyrids in 2020. This is great news, I hope more people would be breeding them especially Campylomormyrus tamandua, I love the color on these things. maybe one day it would be common in the hobby.
  6. V

    My jack dempsey cichlid keep breeding and all these eggs going unfertilzied

    My pair JD breeding and laying eggs then 1-2 days later eggs turns white.(unfertilized) females have no problem with laying eggs, i tought male dont fertile over the eggs because eggs always turns white and not succeed. Any suggestion,advice?
  7. B

    Andrao male eating their eggs

    Hello guys, I have a andrao pair that incubated sometimes but always the male eats the eggs while incubating... Any tips to it doesn't happens? Parameters okay, tank size 100x40x50 cm, with coconut cutted and some plants, floating plants...
  8. C

    can you guys help me with my hybrid knowledge and potentially fill in the gaps?

    so I've started compiling a google sheet to identify what these guys look like taken photos from here and there - mainly the big hybrid thread and other hybrid threads (i realise the jag x red terror photos wrong) i just kind of want to use this as a basis for a dissertation so i need some...
  9. S


    Need help sexing my blue bengal dwarf snakehead got him at 3 inches he is now 4.5 almost 5 and maxes out around 8 to 9 inches been trying to figure out the sex so I can get it a partner to breed anything helps guys new to this forum thing
  10. F

    Flowerhorn female?

    Got this guy yesterday anyone want to play a game of guess the sex and if possible Id the type it could be hoping to pair it up with my male srd in the future. Not the best photos can try and get better if requested
  11. MetalRavioli

    Holding Box?

    Heyo MFK! As mentioned in my keyhole cichlid breeding thread, my keyholes are bound to lay eggs soon, and I'd like to separate the fry once they hatch so my ctenopoma does not consume them. Can any of you recommend a tank-holding box that could hold several keyholes in it? I'm trying to find...
  12. rayoddballfish

    Keeping a pair of bichirs?

    Hi all, question regarding bichirs. Currently have a 15 inch female Nigerian lapradei. Would it be a bad idea to add another 8 inch male lapradei? They would be the only bichir in the tank. Always wanted to breed these prehistoric fish and wanted y’all thoughts on compatibility. Any input is...
  13. Whoisjaime

    Fire mouth Breeding 180gallon monster tank

    Just wanted to share a little about about my Firemouth Cichlids. After about a month in my 180 gallon tank we had our first batch of fry that are now swimming freely. Will be moving them and sharing their phases of growth over time in a 10 gallon breeder tank. Please feel free to ask any questions!
  14. D

    Discus egg fungus, best way to defeat it??

    Hey all, back again. Previously posted all excited about my pair of leopard snakeskins worried they wouldn’t breed again. They breed constantly thankfully lol just can’t get successfully to and through wiggler stage. Now I solve one problem only to run into the next. (Fish keeping essentially)...
  15. D

    Discus breeding questions!!

    So unfortunately, Monday morning I noticed allll the eggs were gone. Pretty sure it was one of the 2 plecos or the blue gourami that were in the tank seeing as the parents were being very good taking care of the eggs. It also happened over night, midnight I set a blue moon light setting next...
  16. J

    Sexing Of Mayan cichlids

    Hi all I have two mayans in a tank together… the larger one of the two belonged to me and was fed a meaty diet . I actually bought both of these fish together but gave the smaller one to family. It was not kept properly and was not living in good conditions which is why I think it it smaller… I...
  17. T

    For Sale grown tigrinus catfish, rare peacock bass, arowana for sale

    Tigrinus 13" $500 Peacock Bass 7" $50 each Peaock Bass (Teminsus)7" $80 Arowana 13" $200
  18. S

    Breeding Gold Nuggets

    Curious if anyone on here has successfully spawned Gold Nuggets. I currently have three L018s around 2.5” so they have some growing to do. I know that sexing them much less breeding them is pretty tough. Thanks!
  19. xenacanth9

    Might start selling apistos

    Thinking about getting into breeding/selling Apistogrammas, wish me luck, I'll make a website and share it with you guys in the marketplace if and when I go through with this idea. I am probably going to start with double reds, and eventually expand to other strains, other species, and...