
  1. SpinalTea

    Rough housing or disease causing fin problems ?

    I've fallen out of the hobby a little bit and can't remember everything off the top of my head anymore- does this look like an incoming tank-wide illness or some roughhousing ? I'll be taking a bit of water in for a check tomorrow. The first photo is of the smallest bichir that is prone to some...
  2. R

    Severum bullying

    Hey guys I have two gold severum & two juvenile oscar in my tank but recently one of my male severum bullying other fish . This severum always try to push my other severum behind the river rock in my tank and dint let her out (actually i dont know its male or female) like he try her not to...
  3. senegalrb

    Help bichir bullying

    Ive read online why my 10 inch senegal is nipping my 5-6 inch delhzi's fin. Ive kept senegal alone in a 60 gal tank, and everytime i introduce the smaller delhzi(numerous attempts) the next morning the fins are ripped to shreds and bleeding, soo i scoop it out and put it back to the old tank, i...