bumble bee cichlids

  1. A

    venustus + peacock + synodontis multipunctatus questions

    I have a couple questions. 1st how big do peacocks and synodontis multipunctatus need to be to make sure a venustus won't eat them? I have heard 2 inches, 1/3 the size of the venustus and even 1/2 the size of the venustus. 2nd I have seen a lot of tanks with a large Male Mbuna bumblebee in...
  2. T

    African Cichlid Babies 20 Gallon Tank

    I currently have a 20 gallon tank with a demasoni, yellow lab, tropheus duboisi, and bumblebee in it. All fish are juvies and I wanted to know how many I can keep in this tank. I will be upgrading to a 75 gallon, since this 20 gallon was free, but not for 6 months or so. Can I keep 8-10 babies...
  3. K

    I need to know what these fish are worth to pay someone.

    I was given 15 Bumble bee Cichlids from an old classmate who's husband recently passed. it was his hobby. I already have a flower horn in a tank above this one so I had not stocked this tank yet and said why not.. I want to know what these fish are worth. I would like to pay her for them...