central american cichlids

  1. L

    Sexing my Synspilum

    Hello All! I'm new to the forum and this is my first question ever. This site has helped me tremendously in the past and I'm excited to join it. Is anyone able to tell me if my Synspilum is male or female? He/she is about 7 or 8 inches. I hope I'm posting this question in the right place...
  2. D

    Jack Dempsey Cichlid is inactive

    Hello Everyone, meet blueberry. ... As you can see, he's active and interactive in this video. He always comes up to the glass, and bites my fingers if I put them in the tank. When I do water changes, he watches me closely to make sure I'm not "messing with his stuff." Recently, he's been...
  3. P

    New to MFK, Help with Identification

    I ordered this guy through the LFS I work at as a "Red Texas Cichlid." Okay so it's either an unfaded RT or a Green Texas, but I can't seem to lock down a specific breed. I'm up to any and all suggestions. The first picture was the day I got him on August 4th, and the last picture was taken...
  4. C


    Well, hello there everybody! I have some questions about this very interesting cichlid, are they still very common in their countries of origin? From my little research I have done it seems that someone had the bright Idea to introduce all kinds of Tilapia. Has that hurt the Haitiensis...
  5. Diver1Wilson

    90g Stocking questions

    Hello everyone, and thank you for taking time out to consult with me on my questions. Before I just ask, I guess a tad bit of back ground info is in order... 1. This is my first ever post on any site pertaining to fish...new member to MKF 2. I am not a professional, nor a beginner to the...
  6. Larryfish

    Green terror

    Hey everyone! I saw this picture online while reading up on green terrors and I'm sure if you have typed in green terror on any search engine you've seen this picture. I was just wondering if they tend to look similar to this or if this fish is just top of the line. I would also like to see...
  7. Christian Tinoco

    Rheoheros (Theraps) ID Help

    Bought this Rheoheros through my local fish store about a month ago, was labeled as a Theraps lentiginosus but has a pinkish hue to it which some coeruleus develop but not sure. Any suggestions or sexing advice here?
  8. C

    Do umbees eat at night

    Recently my umbriferum has been hitting the to of the glass at night, well during the day also but that don't bother me, but at night the banging around I hear him doing I'm wondering is that normal this is the first monsters cichlid that I kept in my bedroom past a foot, recently just changed...
  9. OK PLAY3R

    Looking For New Tank With New Stock

    I'm purchasing a 125 gal, or a 75 gal depending on what fish I may get. Relocating a 7 inch JD, 5 inch BRP, and a young 4 inch flower horn into the tank Should I put some silver dollars in as dither? I could purchase these two Severum that are about 5 inches. I have a Severum but its in a 25...