central south american cichlids

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. RealCrix220

    Dwarf American Cichlid Set Up

    I’ve got a dwarf cichlid set up which currently hoses a 2 German blue rams, 3 ballon blue rams, 2 gold rams, 2 angles and 4 very small Corys almond with my blue and green phantoms. I’m well into the American cichlids and very into rare stuff, because I moved I have to close down my 8foot which...
  2. A

    40 Gallon Tank Cichlid Stocking Options

    Hi All, I recently purchased a 40 gallon tank and it is close to being cycled. There are a lot of plants and open-ended pots for plenty of shelter. I am interested n stocking the tank with South American and Central American cichlids. Specifically, I am interested in firemouths, electric blue...
  3. D

    What are the MOST TRAINABLE CICHLIDS!? Oscars are a given.

    Hello all, I have a Jack Dempsey Cichlid that I'm working on acclimating to his new environment, a 55 gallon aquarium. He's shy now, but I'm hoping to get him to eat from my fingers! Is this feasible in your experience? What is YOUR favorite Cichlid you have trained? Thanks! -Dylan_