
  1. Pred-Finatic

    Blue Whale/Shark Catfish (Cetopsis.coecutiens)

    Hello everyone, New to the forum. Currently have a 2" Blue whale/shark catfish (Cetopsis.coecutiens) in a 40 gallon long tank, with 20 zebra danios. Got the little bugger a little over a week ago, and he's been doing quite well since. Paid a little more than usual, but you don't really see...
  2. Pred-Finatic

    Hello From Toronto

    Hey everyone, Just as the title says; I'm from Toronto. New to the forum, but not to aquatic husbandry. I've been in the game for over 12 years, and kept everything from common community fish to exotic monsters. Took a break from the hobby in 2014, and decided it's time to step back into the...