
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. IgnatzMcJockel

    Eddie the Eagle

    This is Eddie. Eddie the eagle. It's my first snakehead (channa coccinea sp. ignis) and after the first few days i'm a realy big fan. At the second day after i got him, i fed him a wax moth with tweezers. I din't even get near to the surface, eddie jumpt out of the water and snapped it of the...
  2. R

    Channa pulchra feeding

    Hi there! After keeping and breeding with C-A Cichlids for 6 years (and one of my 180x50x50cm/450L (125gal) aquariums becoming available) I decided to change it up and bit and go for Chana sp. One of the wholesalers had Channa pulchra (wildcaught) on the list so i took the opportunity to order...
  3. T

    Channa Bleheri or Brunnea

    Hello guys, i have 5 channa’s 12-16 cm im not sure if there Channa Bleheri or Brunnea What do you think? Thank you 👍
  4. A

    Hole in the head Channa

    Hello My Channa has gotten holes in the head, I have tried a cure of Aquarium Münster Hexamor, it does not seem to have any effect at all, I have posted a picture that was taken 10 days after the cure, and since medicine for aquariums has been banned in my country, and therefor hard to get a...
  5. S

    Strengthening the color and pattern of Channa Golden Cobra (please advise)

    I recently (3 days) got a 16cm male Golden Cobra Channa. It has a beautiful pattern, the lower fin is blue and it has a good golden color in its body. The upper fin is also colorful and patterned. Friends who have enough experience and information, please guide me about proper feeding of golden...
  6. J

    Best channa for a community tank?

    Hi, i currently have a 300g pond with a polypterus, a few endlicheri, a pleco, and 6 botia. I've been wanting to buy fish that controls and scares the toad/frog population in my yard but at the same time can also get along with the other fishes in the pond. I've heard that channa pleuro does...
  7. F

    Channa Gender [Pulchra]

    Hey guys, can anyone tell the gender of my Channa here? My first channa from the store.. :)
  8. R

    Need advices :)

    I'm planning on having my 14cm Channa YS be tankmates with my 8cm Oscar, and maybe add a Brushmouth Pleco and 2 Kaviat Albino fishes. Is that a good idea? Since i know Channa and Oscar are agressive fishes, so if there are any advice, it will be very much appreciated, before I might do a wrong...
  9. R

    Black Ghost Knife Fish and Channa/Snakehead Fish

    hey guys, i have a 10cm Ghost KnifeFish and a 8/9cm snakehead (in my place we call it "Channa" fish?). i was wondering if they can coexist in a tank? im planning on moving them on a 50cmx40cmx30cm tank. every suggestions and opinions will really be much appreciated, thankyou :)
  10. R

    need help :)

    hey guys, i have a 10cm Ghost KnifeFish and a 8/9cm snakehead (in my place we call it "Channa" fish?). i was wondering if they can coexist in a tank? im planning on moving them on a 50cmx40cmx30cm tank. every suggestions and opinions will really be much appreciated, thankyou :)
  11. neko1

    Help with setting up a tank.

    So i got 6 tanks right now and I need to move out my parents house..... Bassicly i need to rehome a lot of fish. But if its possible i would like to keep most. :) I have had most animals for more then 6 years or even longer. So what i have right now: -polypterus ornitapinus. (1x) -polypterus...
  12. B

    Please help identify these Channa!

    Hiii?. First time poster, so please go easy on me?? I have a Channa since two months ago and have fallen head over heels for this fish and the entire Snakehead species. These Channa need a new home but the current owner doesn't know what kind they are, just that the adults are around 40 cm...
  13. T

    Help ID please

    Long time reader but first time poster, I've recently purchased a smaller channa species from a local pet store here in okinawa under the name, " channa eyes fire" but was wondering if I could get an actual name from some people who are more informed of the different kinds. Photos are from...
  14. E

    Channa For Sale

    Dear All Colleagues, We are fom indonesia and we want to offer you our Channa Species we are ready for 1.5 - 3.5 inch long (1 month old) babies up to 1000 fishes, currently, we already sell many of 'em to Malaysia and Singapore. and we are looking for serious buyer all around the globe. in...
  15. S

    advice needed for 390 gallon canister setup

    Hi fellow friends MFK. newbie here first time owner of large tank and prefer canisters over sump. Tank setup for 2 snakeheads. 7ft x 3 x 2.5 that is approximately 393 gallons or 1500 liters. Will 2 eheim xl canisters be enough for beneficial bacteria growth and full cycle ? One canister on each...
  16. Naos1984

    Do Channa micropeltes adults dig through the substrate?

    I'm planning on doing a dwarf sagittaria and sagittaria broadleaf carpet on my next project and I wonder if it's worth the effort. Will adult Channa micropeltes dig? Say 30" big? I'm planning a 2-3" thickness for sand supported by ferts for the sagittaria. If that does not work, garden soil and...
  17. N

    Question about my Channa Auranti gender

    I just got this channa yesterday and I have been discussing with people about its gender and there's a lot of different answers that really made me confused. Do you guys have any thoughts about its gender?
  18. R

    Channa ID & Growth rate advice needed

    Hello all, I would like to ask for you help bought this little fella as marulioides but I cannot clearly ID him. Thinking of striata. Also my second question, what should be an ideal growth rate for a snakehead? I got him in december 3" and today he is 5,5" what should be the expected growth...
  19. B

    What country has the best fish laws?

    I was just wondering what countries have the loosest fosh laws.. im thinking of leaving the US and i was wondering if there is somewhere i can keep asian aro, channa, freshwater stingray, etc.. does anyone know what countries let you keep almost all fish?
  20. M

    Baby Channa striata.

    Sorry for Bad Picture qaulity