channa andrao

  1. G

    Channa andrao cloudy eye

    Can someone explain the cause for these cloudy eyes on my channa andrao ? 50 gallon paludarium. Ammonia 0, nitrate 0, chlorine 0. pH 8.3 temp 70f. 1.5 gallon auto water change daily. other then cloudy eyes they are otherwise healthy, actively eating and alert and showing good colors. I feed of...
  2. B

    Andrao male eating their eggs

    Hello guys, I have a andrao pair that incubated sometimes but always the male eats the eggs while incubating... Any tips to it doesn't happens? Parameters okay, tank size 100x40x50 cm, with coconut cutted and some plants, floating plants...
  3. Q

    Channa Bleheri glass thickness

    Hey Guys! I'm new to this forum, sorry if i'm posting in the wrong place. I have a Juwel Rio 400 and I want to put some Channa Bleheri's in it after new year. The thing is that i saw a couple of videos where snakeheads burst straight through the aquarium glass and it kinda got me worried. The...
  4. neko1

    channa biotope

    Hello I got a 1,20meter tank thats almost empty. I want to make it a special tank with a couple channa andrao. I would like to make a biotope but I can't find anything about the brahmaputra river. Does anyone has some information for me?
  5. N

    Channa andrao and ctenopoma?

    Hi guys. I want to ask can this two work out together since they both reach similar size? I know the water requirement are kinda different especially talking about temp. But can they workout ? Thanks