cichlids of the americas

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. W

    SA/ CA American Cichlid suggestion for 300 G

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post , so apologies for the mistakes. My 300g tank has a 7yo 8inch parrot, 2 4-5inch buttekoferi, 2 6inch tinfoil barb, 1 5inch severum, 1 7 inch African knife fish. Want to add 2 big cichlids, confused between peacock bass, Red Devil , Jaguar or veija syns...
  2. J

    Transitioning to a 125 gallon cichlid tank from a smaller semi-aggressive community

    Hello everyone, I've kept fish for a long time, but I've never kept cichlids. I've got a new 125 (72" long) acrylic tank on order that should be here for Christmas, so I'd like to order some new fish and get them quarantined pretty soonish. I'm thinking of transitioning to SA cichlids since...
  3. A

    Opinions on tank stocking

    I wanted to get some opinions on the tank setup I want. I have a 75g tank that previously had an Oscar but he died. I currently have a male jack Dempsey, I believe a female Firemouth and 2 neon rosy barbs. My brother has an eb acara in a 20g that he doesn’t take care of so I want to take it as a...
  4. P

    Cichlids of the Americas

    I left them an email 3 days ago about a possible purchase. I haven't received a reply. I had planned on ordering from Imperial Tropicals before I started looking at this forum and learned of CoA. I would prefer to purchase from the CoA type of seller. I'm looking for some Central American...