cloudy eye

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. P

    Rocio Octofasciata cloudy eye

    Good day everyone, I have a Rocio Octofasciata cichlid of about 25cm. I have noticed that he has been suffering from a blurry eye lately, it concerns 1 eye. His poop looks normal, he eats normally, he is as active with the other fish as normal. He is in the tank with other cichlids of the same...
  2. shern

    cloudy eye recurrence and whether force-feeding kanamycin is viable?

    Greetings all, recently my NTT caught a cloudy eye so I immediately did a 40% WC and dosed the entire tank with kanamycin as I was afraid the entire tank might have caught it. luckily most things cleared up quite quickly with my datnoid returning to very clear eyes. unfortunately, he seemed to...
  3. G

    Channa andrao cloudy eye

    Can someone explain the cause for these cloudy eyes on my channa andrao ? 50 gallon paludarium. Ammonia 0, nitrate 0, chlorine 0. pH 8.3 temp 70f. 1.5 gallon auto water change daily. other then cloudy eyes they are otherwise healthy, actively eating and alert and showing good colors. I feed of...
  4. Rghfor

    Pop eye / major cloudy eye Asian Arowana Major

    Eever since I got the Asian Aro it’s had issues (4 months ) , wouldn’t eat, acted stressed etc slowly pop eye and cloudy eye developed . Fresh water and salt seemed to solve the cloudy eye however it kept coming back this time round it’s back with a vengeance . Major pop eye and cloudy eye ...
  5. A

    Common pleco with one cloudy eye

    Hi! I have a 13” common pleco with one cloudy eye. For a while I did daily ~25% water changes, but it didn’t seem to help. I’m not sure what to do for him now. He lives in a 36 gallon tank by himself. He used to live with a pair of angelfish when he was smaller. I’m looking to upgrade the tank...
  6. S

    Guys I need help for my ID shark

    Recently I made a huge 350+ gallon tank for my Japanese koi and 3 ID shark .. but one of them couldn't resist the water change or something and developed cloudy eye. ( I added the filtration system after few days ) . I took him out into my hospital tank and have been treating him since 7 days...
  7. Iamfish

    Mystus Catfish with CLody Eye

    Notcied my Mystus mysticetus's one eye was cloudy, any advice? I have not noticed any wierd behavior and he seems otherwise ok. Tank's parameters are normal.
  8. Jush

    Datnoid Cloudy Eye

    One of my 3 datnoids in a specific tank has developed a cloudy eye, only on one side, I haven't treated yet due to it being just the one & I don't know whats caused it. I have the tank stocked with silver aro, African aro, stingray, 3 dats and 5 bichir. I've read it can be water parameters, but...
  9. K

    RTC x TSN hybrid with one cloudy eye.

    I just got back from a 1 month trip and when I checked on one of my grow out tanks my redtail / tiger shovel nose hybrid had one cloudy eye. I instructed the person taking care of my fish while we were gone to do weekly 10 percent water changes so I don't think it was water quality. There are...