Hello everyone!
I need advice on adding new fish to my 55-gallon community tank, which currently houses Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, and Bronze Corydoras. The tank is well-established with stable water parameters (76-78°F, pH 6.8-7.2, GH 4-8 dGH). It's heavily planted with Java Fern...
Hey everyone, hope you guys are having a great week!
So, I've started noticing a problem with my Jack Dempsey.... Oh boy.
I just can't seem to keep this fish happy! He is my FAVORITE! but won't let me love him lol. I just don't get how to care for this guy.
Background: my brother passed away...
I purchased 1 ea juvenile synspilum, bleekeri, Frontosa, Gold severum and Cuban cichlid to grow together and hopefully keep together in a 150g. Immediately the Cuban was very aggressive and bullying. It targeted the bleekeri and I eventually removed Cuban and put into established tank with...
Hey everyone. I need some advice stocking my new 190gal. Ive been reading on this site for years, now i need your help! I have been a fishkeeper for 8 years. I have kept a little bit of everything, in the last couple of years i have been into American Cichlids.
I currently have:
1 Cuban cichlid...
Not looking for sand, more of a small rocky substrate for ease of cleaning. Right now I have basic gravel black and red mix bought at the local pet store. Bichirs don't seem to mind it, but I'd want the rocks to be more rounded. I also want more of a natural look as I upgrade to a 55 G. I'm...
Hi, I’ve got a 6x2x2 tank with a juvenile Oscar (About 5cm) , juvenile Saratoga (about 12cm) and a juvenile green terror (about 8cm).... the green terror seems to be extremely aggressive, it’s relatively constant chasing of both.... as if the green terror is saying... “no you’re not going...
I would like at some point to acquire lemon cichlids (Neolamprologus leleupi) but researching them has been odd and confused, so figured I'd see if I get some better opinions here seeing as I was concerned over potential aggression issues with them in a community tank. Its easier to ask now and...
Hey everyone! I’ve got some renewed passion for the hobby and I’m looking to turn my 210g into a planted community tank. Right now I’m looking for advice on the substrate and lighting.
Obviously a lot of substrate is required for a 2’x7’ footprint. My thoughts now are Around 9 bags of ADA...
I’ve finally set up my 180 and think Ive decided on a stock list. I’m concerned that it’s pretty bottom dweller heavy so would like feedback on the numbers and compatibility.
Bristlenose Pleco-3
School of Cory-10
Giant Danios-10
Rope fish-3
Congo tetra-10
RH geophagus-6(not sure if I even...
Hello Fellow Fish Lovers,
A little background to explain my situation. For the last year I have been testing a "no water change" 220 liter aquarium for a company. The goal of this test is to determine if their filteration system works as they advertise - basically, beautiful tank with little to...
Hi! I want to set up a new tank for medium to larger sized cichlids as they seem to be the most colorful fish around and I have no idea which ones go well in a community tank besides severums and geophagus eartheaters from what i heard most cichlids tend to be aggressive. I would like to know...
I have a 2-3” Dovii currently in quarantine. I just got him a week or so ago. He’s in there with a 2-3” Convict that I’m treating as well. The convict chases him around from time to time. He also chases the convict from time to time. My question is...he’s seems a little shy. Can I put him in my...
This is Blu. I'm new to the MonsterFishKeepers community and wanted to show her off. My fish aren't "monsters" but I enjoy browsing the site looking at your tanks so thought I'd share mine.
I have a 55G Community Tank of Glo & Black Skirt Tetras, Neon & Glowlight Tetras, Blue & Golden Ram...
Asking if i am able to comm a African Arowana with a Asian Arowana?
Currently have 1 12" African Arowana, looking to get a BBXB but am unsure if its possible.
I had one baby arowana and got another gift from a friend .. i have kept them both separated by a partition .. just want to know how i can keep them happy as they grow together
As of right now I have in a 75
9" syno Notatus
5" syno decorus
5" Senegal
8" delhezi
5" eb acara
2" Bush fish
I absolutely love my bichirs and synos but Iv been getting an itch for a community tank. My stock in mind was ..
15-20 Roseline's sharks
10 clown loaches or corys
Group of glass...
Okay, so, I've absolutely never seen this before - but I recently just bought a pair (Male and female) of kirbensis cichlids for my 29 gallon community. I have had a school of 6 diamond tetras for since I got the 29 up and running, and the leader of this school is the biggest, flashiest diamond...
Over the weekend my new 225 gallon 6x30x2 was delivered. It is now set up and running. Been growing out a GATF in another thread which has had its ups and downs mostly due to me wanting every predatory fish I like and trying to make it work. I came to the reality that if I want the ATF to...
Hi guys, new MFK member here. Just wanted to see your thoughts.
I have a 9 inch Salton Catfish right now, and im thinking of making a new home for him and some other fish. Would a 2000 gallon tank be too big for him? Is it Bad if a fish has too much space?
FYI, with him i might put some other...